Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1141: Xiao Yu VS Yu Xuanhui (Part 1)

Xiao Yu measured her body and looked at Yu Xuanhui coldly.

"What? Do you want me to take revenge? If it wasn't for my mercy last time, she would have been a corpse!"

Yu Xuanhui handed Yu Qingxue into the hands of her fellow sect, and stared at Xiao Yu coldly: "Xiaoyao Sect is really a genius! But if you kill my sect person, I will give the sect an explanation today anyway."

Seeing Xiao Yu's shot just now, she had already wanted to take action to suppress this young man.

Do you really think you can't help him?

But I saw that Yu Xuanhui's body rose sharply, and a color filled with white jade and glow was diffused.

Golden Core Realm peak!

Her jade hand was long and slender, and she was Hui Dong immediately. She displayed layers of air waves one after another, and she suddenly enveloped her with astonishing aura.

"Senior Sister finally took action! This kid will definitely suffer!" Bai Yugu's younger brothers were overjoyed.

Yu Xuanhui ranked second in the Baiyu Valley Inner Sect. She was strong and could enter the realm of three days within one step. Among the sects, she focused on cultivating disciples.

Xiao Yu was still indifferent, in any case, he didn't underestimate the enemy in a battle.

The opponent's level is three higher than his own, and he belongs to the Yu family, so be careful.

Bai Yugu's technique contains a flawless light like jade, but the power it contains must not be underestimated.

Yu Xuanhui's momentum is not huge, and there is even a sense of softness on it, this kind of nature and empowerment is somewhat imaginative.


Layers of air waves, turned into white jade-like glow, suppressed, shrouded the air, containing extremely strong power.

Xiao Yu snorted coldly, and held it up with a palm, and the strength of the endowment leaped out like a flood.

His palm held up a large piece of invisible light and resisted it.

"Many arm as a car!" Yu Xuanhui pressed her hands in the void.


The Xia Guang was suddenly restless, like a boiling river, the blink of an eye was to smash Xiao Yu's palm.

When Xiao Yu saw this, he immediately jumped to the side. The big waves of glowing light immediately fell on the ground, and the earth shook.

A frustration, Yu Xuanhui's eyes are even more cold and proud.

After all, the opponent is just a young man in the late Golden Core Realm, how high can he jump?

She said that it was too late, and she waved her hands again, intertwining layers of batches that looked like white jade, and slammed them up.

This is a kind of mysterious power, but that level of strength is even stronger than the aura of the Sect Master of Gang Cover Sect and Tyrant Fist Sect.

This is the foundation of the seven sects.

Xiao Yu knew that he couldn't hide it.

He gave a cold snort and was not afraid of training. Facing the white jade, he stepped forward and reached out with his arms, as if an angry dragon went out to sea. He immediately tore the opponent's layers of training and stepped out. The form is to rush forward.

Yu Xuanhui was slightly startled. She didn't expect this young man to be so powerful and physically strong.

When it was said that it was too late, then purple light diffused from Xiao Yu's arm, exploding the space, and flying out of a strange monster.

Purple unicorn!


Accompanied by a roar, with the momentum of tearing the mountain apart, the strength of the white jade horse is like breaking through the bamboo, saying that the other side's magical powers are smashing through layers, and he is about to kill Yu Xuanhui.

Yu Xuanhui was shocked, this young man is really not easy!

But if he kills him like this, it's just desperate.

"Fluorescent fire!"

Yu Xuan Huijiao snorted, she folded her hands together, and immediately opened it, and then an emerald sword appeared in her hand.

Middle Grade Spirit Tool!

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