Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1171: Slaughtered Bloodfang Zong (Part 2)


The seals of his hands are rapidly combining like a butterfly wearing flowers, and the power of the soul in his colleague's mind is urged out like a sea.

"this is……"

Lin Hu was taken aback: "Magic Formation?"


The air suddenly became hot and dry, and immediately afterwards, the surface of the valley with a radius of five hundred meters, centered on Xiao Yu, burned.

The hot flame aura was scorching the skin violently, and four vibrating sounds of "boom boom boom" sounded.

"what is that?"

The disciples of the Bloodfang Sect happened to fall within this area, their expressions were shocked, and they even saw that they did not know when four giant cauldrons appeared in four directions.

"Don't pay attention to this kid, this is the formation, killing him can break this formation!" One of the bloodtooth masters at the peak of the Golden Core Realm screamed immediately, and he killed him with a knife.


Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, Void waved his hand, and a fire dragon swept out of the nearest one.

As soon as the fire dragon appeared, it was like burning Huowu Kuangsha, and immediately swept the bloodtooth sect master.


Accompanied by a scream, the man's whole body burned into flames, and immediately turned into a charred corpse.

Then the fire dragon also turned into a void flame and disappeared.

The face of the disciple of the Bloodfang Sect suddenly changed drastically.

"Four-level formation!"

They didn't know how powerful the formation mage was, but this fourth-level formation was really terrifying.

That kind of fiery fire attribute formation aura that made people feel in their bones, it made them feel as if their internal organs were about to be boiled.

The most terrifying thing is the power of this formation, killing a Golden Core Realm peak in an instant!

"He is a master of formation!"

The one who can condense the fourth-level formation is called the grand master of the formation, and Xiao Yu's soul realm has reached a critical point, and he can break through to the next soul realm with only one step, and this soul realm is enough Let him become a real master of formation!

Like the great masters of refining tools, they all cultivated the soul realm, so their titles are similar.

Xiao Yu's Spiritual Path has been cultivating for some time, and he has never abandoned the cultivation of the soul.

Because he clearly knows that the abilities of confusion or offense and defense exerted by the group of formations are enough to give him a greater boost in battle.

Lin Hu and the others were surprised.

Isn't he a disciple of Xiaoyaomen? The formation technique is so terrible! ?

Xiao Yu stared at these things in front of him coldly, and said in a deep voice, "You go out now, I don't have to kill you, otherwise, I will slaughter your blood tooth sect today!"

Slaughtered the Bloodfang Sect!

What a big tone!

"Boy, do you really think you are invincible in the world? Don't be scared by him, all attack together! I don't believe you can't break this formation!"

The disciples of the Bloodfang sect immediately roared with anger, and the weapons in their hands showed their magical powers one after another.

The colorful moves and the mighty magical powers smashed towards Xiao Yu in different ways.

Even Lin Hu and the others felt a shock at the momentum when hundreds of people shot at the same time.

With this kind of offensive ability, even a small person in the spiritual realm must avoid three points!

"I don't know what it is!"

Xiao Yu snorted coldly, and he swiped his hands, and immediately Void slammed forward.

"Four Dragons in the Fire Bath!"

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