Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1172: It turned out to be the ghost of them (on

The Huoyu Siding Array itself is a fire attribute array that was comprehended by the power of Burning Fire.

This time, Xiao Yu summoned four fire dragons at the same time.


The four giant cauldrons suddenly shook, as if something was about to come out of them.

"Boom boom boom!"

Immediately afterwards, four fire dragons with a total length of three people are so big and ten meters long that they swept out from the northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest directions, and then twisted together in the air to form a four dragon. Winding flame tornado.

The flame tornado spit out endless flames, and ran into the white man's offensive pair with the attitude of burning the void.


A huge vibration spread out, and a terrifying aura shocked a space.

In the midair, the offensives of the Flame Tornado and the Bloodfang Sect disciples were at a stalemate, constantly intertwined with shocking waves.

Lin Yao also paled in Huarong, and couldn't help being more afraid, Lin Hu held his breath even more.

"Break it for me!"

Xiao Yu's eyes burned with two small flames, and the power of the soul was again instilled and applied to the flame tornado.


The flame tornado was blessed by the power of the huge soul. Of course, the flame was so huge that it rose several meters, and the four entwined fire dragon heads swallowed with arrogance, as if they could burn out the void.


With a low roar, the flame tornado broke the barrier formed by the disciples of the Bloodfang sect, and immediately drove straight in and hit Huanglong.


The screams of screams sounded one after another, and the flame dragon looked like a beast of the deep sea, and like a meteorite falling from the sky, smashing the team of hundreds of people.

All the people were shaken out by the power of the terrifying flame, dead, wounded, and even the weak were burned into black skeletons in one fell swoop.

The strength of the entire Bloodfang Sect's disciples is uneven after all, but in the blink of an eye they have already lost half of them.

Zhang Shengxiang over there also noticed this scene, his eyes were cracked, his face trembled terribly.

"Ah!!! Boy, I want to kill you!"

Zhang Shengxiang roared like a mad beast. He immediately shook off the purple light butterfly and was about to kill Xiao Yu.

But when he had just walked two steps, Xu Zhi swept up, and the same white pikes poured out like a waterfall, turning into a barrier to block Zhang Shengxiang.

"Your opponent is me." Xu Zhi blasted out a cold palm, and his soft but powerful palm expelled and shattered the air.

Zhang Shengxiang was accidentally hit in the chest, and immediately shot out. Shen Cheng over there was also unable to withstand the blow of the purple light butterfly, and suddenly retreated.

The two had nothing to do with Xu Zhi and the weird monster, the most ugly face was Zhang Shengxiang.

Most of his own people were killed or injured in an instant!

How can he withstand such a blow!

Even Xu Zhi couldn't help but look at Xiao Yu more.

A young man in the late Golden Core Realm, with the strength and foundation in his hands, even she was taken aback.

And I even told the young man to hide behind, but if he didn't have this young man, I'm afraid the danger Lin Yao and the others would face during their trip was beyond my imagination.

Those disciples of the Bloodfang Sect, those who were not dead yet and could still walk around, were all afraid and looked at the young man in horror.

"If you don't want to die, stay here." Xiao Yu said coldly.

The remaining disciples of the Bloodfang Sect immediately screamed, and just left as if to escape.

And Yang Lifei, who had already retired and opened, his face was shaking, black and terrible.

"How about you?" Xiao Yu stared at Yang Lifei suddenly.

Yang Lifeisen said coldly: "Boy, do you really think you have a chance to win?"

"When are you still watching the show?"

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