Shura God Emperor

Chapter 120: Genius or waste

These pen, ink, paper and inkstone are the assessment content of the first round.

One of the old Array Mages of the Array Mage Guild came out as the host and announced: "In the first round, the test is to control the power of the soul. There are pen, ink, paper and ink on the table. Paint within an hour, and the ranking is based on the content of the painting, the level of detail, and the degree of difficulty of the portrait. Within an hour, as long as you can’t paint or can’t see what the painting is, then it will be eliminated. Timing begins."

As soon as the host announced, all the contestants around Xiao Yu started to concentrate.

The assessment of the first level is actually to condense the power of the soul and control the brush to paint on paper.

Because the power of the soul exists in the mind, as long as you have seen anything in your mind, draw it with the power of the soul and draw it with a brush, then you are done.

The content of the painting is not difficult, because unlike painting with a brush, it requires years of accumulated painting skills.

The power of the soul originally exists in the mind, as long as the control of the power of the soul is extremely proficient, then even a realistic painting school child can draw a master-level painting.

But this is also the hardest part, because not everyone can control the power of the soul to this degree.

Manipulating the power of the soul requires a solid talent and acquired cultivation.

Because Xiao Yu was the last one to be forced to sign up, his position was the last.

Instead, he didn't paint, but looked around.

Looking at the people in the audience, Xiao Yu watched with gusto.

It was the first time that he saw other people using the power of the soul in this way, so he was very surprised, but even more surprised, because Xiao Yu discovered that the way these people used the power of the soul seemed very different from him. same.

He has been cultivating Divine Soul Dao for some time, and he now has a complete grasp of the way Divine Soul Dao depicts formations.

But seeing the soul-stimulating power and crude manipulation of the people present, he frowned.

"It seems that the Divine Soul Dao given to me by Rhubarb is much stronger than the soul cultivation method of this dynasty."

The layman watched the excitement and the expert watched the doorway, Xiao Yu suddenly felt bored.

Look at these formation apprentices, some sweating profusely, using the power of the soul to control the brush to paint.

Some painters are like ghost paintings.

What's more, I can't even control the brush!

"It seems that different methods of soul cultivation are indeed very different." Xiao Yu shook his head for a while.

However, his gaze quickly fell on the three of them. They were Lan Xinrui, Wang Zhuo and Zhao Tianjian.

The expressions of the three of them all appeared in unison with ease.

Xiao Yu couldn't help but nodded a little. As expected, geniuses were accumulated from a good family.

Lan Xinrui is a disciple of Baijing, with very good guidance, and the entire array of wizards as a resource support.

Needless to say, Zhao Tianjian, the six princes of the royal family, Bai Jing is also his teacher, and it is so easy to guide.

And Wang Zhuo, soul talent is also high, the Wang family is also a big family.

"It seems no surprises, the results of these three people should be able to continue until later, but in this way, at least half of the first round will be eliminated."

As time passed, Lan Xinrui, who had the highest soul talent, had finished painting in half an hour, followed by Zhao Tianjian and then Wang Zhuo.

Bai Jing on the stage was very happy, and his two disciples did not shame him.

Tang Fan raised his eyelids and said, "Junior Brother, it seems that this year's Grand Competition will have one or two good seedlings."

"Yes, Xinrui and Tiantianjian are both good, and Wang Zhuo is the only one who can compare with them."

Tang Fan nodded, and immediately his gaze fell on Xiao Yu's position unconsciously, his brow furrowed, and his gaze retracted.

Bai Jing saw it too, and couldn't help feeling sorry for Xiao Yu.

It's been half an hour, and Xiao Yu's paper is blank in Shanghai.

Sure enough, is this the difference that has not been systematically cultivated?

Zhao Tianjian's eyes also fell on Xiao Yu's position, and when he saw it, he suddenly sneered.

"I really guessed it right, Xiao Yu, you are a trash, you really don't know how to form a formation."

Soon, many people noticed that the paper on Xiao Yu's table was blank.

"Can't handle it? Without even moving the brush, Xiao Yu won't be so weak, right?"

"It's really useless. With such a talented soul, you can't even control a writing brush? Violent to heaven."

"I really don't understand why God is so unfair, it's so embarrassing and obviously."

Almost everyone in the room sighed and sneered.

Tang Linger looked embarrassed, and thought to herself: "I wouldn't bring you if I knew it."

She also didn't expect Xiao Yu to stand for half an hour without doing anything. To be honest, she also looked forward to Xiao Yu's performance.

On the other side, where Palin was, her eyes blinked slightly.

"Xiao Yu, what are you thinking about?"

Even Lan Xinrui shook her head secretly, thinking that she had already spoken highly of Xiao Yu before.

At this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly spoke...

"Excuse me, can I make a request?"

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