Shura God Emperor

Chapter 121: Refer to

Everyone in the audience cast their suspicious glances, secretly asking what the **** Xiao Yu is going to do?

The host is also an array mage. He saw Xiao Yu not even a single formation after seeing Xiao Yu for so long. He couldn't help but hate iron and steel.

In other words, it is a guy with a soul talent reaching the tenth level of the earth, how can it be at this level?

The supporter said solemnly: "Xiao Yu, time is running out, what more do you want to ask."

"I want a larger piece of paper, about one by three meters in size." Xiao Yu said seriously.

Everyone was startled, and immediately burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! Isn't Xiao Yu's head ill? He can't draw on a one-meter paper, and he wants a one-by-three-meter paper? Is this going to be a ghost painting?"

"It's embarrassing. It's been almost half an hour. This guy wants to find paper with such a large format. It's a waste of time."

"That's right, there is so much time left, let alone painting of this specification, even one meter of paper for this assessment is enough for him to be thin."

From their point of view, Xiao Yu is on the verge of being eliminated, and he still has to play so many tricks. Isn't this a waste of time?

Bai Jing was taken aback, sighed in his heart, and Tang Fan's eyes next to him became even more indifferent.

"Xiao Yu, do you know that you are wasting the resources of the Array Mage Guild? According to the regulations, the guild has the right to revoke your Array Apprenticeship and will permanently blacklist you!" the host said coldly.

When the host said that, those who watched the good show, especially Zhao Tianjian, looked even more despised.

In their view, Xiao Yu is simply a clown.

"Trying to use these behaviors to attract eyeballs? A waste." Wang Zhuo snorted coldly.

"My dear brother, what are you doing..." Peilin's smile on her face didn't cast doubt on Xiao Yu at the first glance, but rather looked forward to Xiao Yu.

Faced with what Qian Fu pointed out, Xiao Yu said indifferently: "Will the Array Mage Guild meet the requirements of the students of the guild? Isn't a huge Array Mage Guild not even able to provide a piece of paper?"


The whole audience was in an uproar, Xiao Yu's words were provoking the majesty of the Array Mage Guild!

The host was battered by Xiao Yu's rebuttal, and shouted angrily: "Xiao Yu, do you know what you are talking about!?"

"I just asked for a piece of paper to paint, isn't it too much? This paper is not enough for me to paint." Xiao Yu said.

Not enough for me to paint!

This time it suddenly exploded in the field, and almost everyone was mocking Xiao Yu.

"Xiao Yu, what are you? You didn't move your pen, but you can't say you can paint? Are you insulting everyone's eyes?"

"Yes, I propose to drive him out, he is here to make trouble!"

"I agree too! And pull black, the Array Mage Guild does not have such a waste of eyeballs!"

The Array Mage Guild has a high majesty in the capital, and it is naturally respected by ruthless people.

Everyone knows that Xiao Yu's spirit fox is highly talented, but because of this, he can't stand it, even those who have no grudges with Xiao Yu.

Bai Jing was completely disappointed with Xiao Yu, a decent array mage genius who was cast aside by everyone because of his pride, which he did not want to see.

But there is no way. For the smooth progress of the competition, he has to come forward.

"Give it to him." Suddenly, Tang Fan next to him said blankly.

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