Shura God Emperor

Chapter 122: last minute

The crowd was stunned in an instant.

The formation master from this sect actually agreed to Xiao Yu's request?

"Brother?" Bai Jing was also puzzled.

Tang Fan said faintly: "Dabi wants to ensure fairness. Although he did not paint, he is strictly a member of the Wizards Guild. He satisfies his requirements. After the round is over, all unqualified will be eliminated. How to deal with it is your business."

In this way, Xiao Yu got one by three meters of paper and added two tables.

But at this time, because of Xiao Yu's trouble, it has been five minutes since Xiao Yu was born. The most important thing is that Xiao Yu has not urged the power of the soul to write.

Tang Linger was anxious, "Xiao Yu, what are you thinking about?"

Finally, Xiao Yu moved, his eyes fell on the box of ink, his eyes must be uncertain.

"Pretending to be!" Zhao Tianjian looked very indifferent.

For him, his purpose has been obtained.

Not only did Xiao Yu become the existence of all the arrows, but after the first round, Xiao Yu would basically be included in the blacklist of the Wizards Guild.

As a result, the dynasty lost another competitor.

No matter how good a person's talent is, it is absolutely impossible to achieve without the hard work of the day after no one shouts.

"Xiao Yu, you found it yourself. This is how you humiliated me!"

Time passed once again, and soon there were two minutes left, but Xiao Yu hadn't even started writing.

In other words, everyone was indifferent to Xiao Yu, almost numb.

And the people around because there is one minute left, some painted halfway through, and some painted as ghosts and monsters, the result will definitely be pronounced a failure and eliminated.

Therefore, they were so sweating that they also planned to give up.

On the rostrum, Bai Jing didn't know what to say, it was a pity in his heart.

But who knows, Tang Fan's eyes suddenly opened and fell on Xiao Yu's body.


At this moment, what no one would have imagined was that when there was a minute left, Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly flickered, and an extremely deep and invisible aura suddenly spread.

Those examiners who remained at the table after painting all showed shocked expressions.

Just now, their minds and souls seemed to be shaken by something, and their bodies were agitated.


Hundreds of people all turned their eyes to the source of the soul shaking, it turned out to be Xiao Yu! ?

At the same time, Xiao Yu made a "bang" and slapped his palm on the table.

Under everyone's stunned gaze, all the ink on the box was ejected.

The ink splashed, as if being smashed like a big rock in the lake.

At this moment's time, Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly opened, and the power of the soul instantly urged it out, and then all merged into the splash ink.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

The splashed ink, as if being pulled by something, all flew toward the paper on the table.

This three-meter-long paper instantly has a lot of messy and random flying ink.

"Huh! I thought he had some barriers, it turned out to be grandstanding again!" Zhao Tianjian's expression was even more disdainful.

Who knows, as soon as his voice fell, the crowd was shocked...

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