Shura God Emperor

Chapter 123: Super handling

I saw it dripping on the paper, large and small, and the messy ink did not melt into the paper, and then it was creeping!

Yes, it's creeping!

"how is this possible!"

Everyone in the room was shocked. The ink should seep into the paper as soon as it meets the paper, but the ink seems to have a soul, and they all wriggle at the same time, as painting!

At the beginning, the trajectory of the ink creeping was very chaotic, and I didn't know what was being painted at all, but as things went on, the trajectory of the ink creeping was spliced ​​and colored... Finally, it turned out to be a painting!

At the same time, an hour's time is also reached simultaneously!

"how is this possible?!"

"this is……"

The entire audience was stunned. On the paper, it turned out to be a lifelike wolf.

This wolf stood on all fours, majestic and majestic, whether it was the hair, the delicate eyes, and the expression, it was almost like a night wolf on paper.

From a distance, the wolf seems to have a domineering and wild power aura. The sharp eyes and majestic body make many people wonder whether this painting is a painting or is it really a wild wolf. .

Tang Fan narrowed his eyes and stared at Xiao Yu.

Including the audience who laughed at Xiao Yu just now, as well as Zhao Tianjian and Wang Zhuo, their faces were very gloomy.

In one minute, only one minute, the power of the soul melts into the ink while urging all the ink to paint. How did he do it! ?

How powerful is a person's control over the power of the soul to complete this lifelike painting?

Could it be that he has been using the power of the soul to simulate and portray in his mind just ten minutes?

"Whether it is portraying or controlling the power of the soul, it is definitely not a dynasty that can be cultivated." Tang Fan took a deep breath.

"Brother, what you meant by this..." Bai Jing was shocked.

Is there really an expert behind Xiao Yu's guidance! ? Otherwise, how could a young man's depiction and control of the power of the soul be so delicate?

"Haha, brother, you really surprised my sister." Perrin laughed softly.

Xia Song next to him was also fortunate to watch such a stunning scene and exclaimed.

"This son is not arrogant, but is in his chest. Others focus on the power of urging the soul to control the brush to paint, but Xiao Yu used another method to directly disperse the power of the soul and act on all the ink. !" Xia Song was amazed.

"This guy just makes people worry." Tang Linger couldn't help but make a false alarm, but he was also amazed at Xiao Yu's power.

Lan Xinrui's beautiful eyes turned and couldn't help but look at Xiao Yu.

"It turns out that he has been hiding..."

"Xiao Yu!!! I will definitely surpass you! Don't be proud!" Zhao Tianjian gritted his teeth with hatred.

In this way, the first round directly eliminated most of the people.

According to the ranking, Xiao Yu's lifelike one-by-three-meter painting of clothes undoubtedly won first place.

In contrast, whether it was the second Lan Xinrui, the third Zhao Tianjian, or the fourth Wang Zhuo, all seemed too clumsy.

There were about 30 people left in the first round, and these people went straight to the second round.

The host said loudly: "In the second round, the content of the competition is called repair."

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