Shura God Emperor

Chapter 124: The second round, repair the formation

"You will all have an identical longsword weapon on your table. This longsword is a third-grade treasure. It has been blessed by our union array mage and broken formations. Then you will repair it, ranking it according to the degree of repair. The minimum requirement to pass this round is to complete the repair."

Soon the remaining 30 people on the table in front of them were all with a fourth-grade treasure.

Xiao Yu was amazed that although the third-grade treasures are not very precious in the capital, they are impossible for ordinary family children to own.

However, the Array Mage Guild casually took out dozens of handles, how strong its background is.

As soon as Xiao Yu shook his hand, he discovered that there was indeed a formation in this treasure, and this formation was only 50% complete.

At this time the host opened his mouth again and said: "Presumably you have already felt it, yes, this third-grade treasure has only completed 50% of its formations, and the remaining 50% is left to you. Start."

Xiao Yu found that many people were bitter on their faces. After he probed the formation in detail, Xiao Yu understood in his heart.

"So it seems that it is not difficult to repair the remaining half of the formation, but because this half of the formation was imposed by others, it is not just a simple repair."

Because it was the first time that Xiao Yu was exposed to weapons to describe formations, Xiao Yu didn't understand too much, but he was very powerful, and after a little thought, he understood completely.

On the podium, Tang Fan couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yu's position.

"Junior Brother, how do you think Xiao Yu will perform in this round?"

Bai Jing pondered for a while, still shook his head, and said, "Brother, to be honest, I am still not very optimistic."

"Oh? Tell me your reason."

Bai Jing took a deep breath and said: "The soul power control of the first round requires a huge soul talent. Xiao Yu's soul talent should have reached the heavenly level, but he did not expect his control of the soul power. You will be so prosperous, so to speak, I missed the first round."

"You think the same as me, what about the second round?"

Baijing said: "Brother, you also know that there are many types of formations. The reason why we took the weapon formation to the second round is because the description of the weapon formation is the most learned and basic one. , This round is not testing the soul talent, but the foundation, or there is some guidance behind Xiao Yu, but the foundation of these things takes time, from the test to the present, the time is only a month, even if you practice the weapon formation every day Xiao Yu might not be able to repair the foundation of his characterization. In addition, as far as I know, Xiao Yu is still a cultivator, and he also cultivates physical power, so it is impossible to allocate too much time."

After listening to Bai Jing's analysis, Tang Fan nodded slightly, the look of anticipation at the beginning was also calmer.

To be honest, Xiao Yu really surprised them in the first round, but this only means that Xiao Yu's soul talent is indeed very high, and his ability to control souls is first-rate.

However, it takes time to portray formations. This round, even he is not optimistic about Xiao Yu, and in this round, there are still difficult assessments in disguise, which cannot be done without time accumulation.

Xiao Yu held the long sword and looked at it for a long time, thinking quietly.

"Sure enough, if you want to repair the remaining half of the formation, you must first turn the depiction of the half of the formation into the power of your soul."

Half of the formation in the weapon was portrayed by the formation master in the formation master guild. It was someone else's thing. It is impossible to use the power of one's soul to portray and splice the formation of others.

Because everyone's soul power is unique, the spatial depiction of soul power has everyone's soul imprinted in it.

Xiao Yu had to figure out the path of the formations inside, then use the power of his own soul to fuse it into his own, and then he could repair that half.

This is also the love and hate of the second round. It can be said that the difficulty is not that big, but it can be said that it is very big.

It's not that big because it takes time and energy to describe the formation on your own, but this predecessor already has it, so long as you use the power of the soul to explore the path, you can save a lot of effort.

It is difficult to say that it is because the second part after the fusion, this requires many times of experience in the description of the weapon formation, to be able to repair a more perfect formation.

Soon, everyone began to close their eyes and controlled their soul power to enter this sword.

Xiao Yu was no exception. As soon as his soul power touched this half of the formation, it was completely recreated in just a few seconds, and then merged into his own soul power.

"Although it's the first time to contact these weapon formations, but this path is too simple?"

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