Shura God Emperor

Chapter 125: Slept for two and a half hours

Xiao Yu was speechless. This kind of weapon formation requires the accumulation of a large number of basic formations in order to find a path in a short time and then integrate the power of his soul.

But in just a few seconds, he broke through the formation of others and became his own. He originally thought it was a bit challenging and fresh, but Xiao Yu suddenly lost his enthusiasm.

Just as Xiao Yu was about to continue repairing, he stopped the depiction of Soul Power.

"No, the formation is too rubbish?" Xiao Yu thought to himself.

He discovered that the formation method described by this so-called array mage might have some gaps in a certain place, or the paths were staggered, or the paths depicted were of different thickness.

"Is this still a formation? I'm afraid that even if it is repaired, this weapon will probably not increase much attribute power, right?"

Xiao Yu finally deeply understood how bad the Chenbei Dynasty's formation mage was.

The formation mage is one level higher than the formation apprentice, but such a naive depiction of the path is simply an insult to the formation method.

And if Xiao Yu's thoughts were heard by other people, those people might want to find a place to dig in.

You know, Xiao Yu's Divine Soul Dao was not originally a product of the dynasty. It was the Shenzhou World, which was seen by Rhubarb.

Although it was a stubborn book, Xiao Yu had already fully grasped it, and coupled with his once-in-a-century soul talent, it was understandable that he felt rough and naive.

"No, if you describe it in this way, you waste time and don't say it. This weapon formation is still a third-grade treasure. I have to improve the rank of this treasure by one."

The weapon formation, as the name suggests, is to depict the formation on the weapon.

The strength of the formation can improve the rank attributes of the weapon, as well as some additional abilities.

After a while, someone in the crowd exclaimed.


With a "poof", the long sword in Lan Xinrui's hand suddenly burst out with a stream of light, which formed an orange-red arc in the air, like a wizard flying.

"Successful repair! True style should be attribute formation type, right?"

"This kind of breath is an agility attribute!"

Those Array Mage apprentices and Array Mage are some surprises.

There are many weapon arrays. The agility attribute array they said is that when using weapons, they can increase the flexibility of their hands and feet, make their moves faster, and make the offensive more rapid.

"Look, there is Six Prince!"

Only a black light burst out, and suddenly some black lines formed on the long swords.

"Awesome! It's the weight attribute!"

The weight attribute is also one of the weapon formation attributes, increasing the master's shot power.

The strength of the weapon is heavier, the strength will be greater, and it is also a way to increase the attack power.

"Wang Zhuo has it too!"

Sure enough, there was also a burst of blue light from Wang Zhuo.

The three most promising array geniuses were very open and repaired their respective complete arrays.

Because the latter part was repaired by yourself, the degree of freedom is very large. If the final split is equal, it depends entirely on the formation and how much additional attributes can bring to this third-grade treasure.

There were more than 30 people, some of them flickered. Of course, Zhao Tianjian and Wang Zhuo were not as shining as Lan Xinrui.

And more often, there was a "poof" sound, which was a phenomenon that the array repair failed.

The second round is also time-limited, the time is three hours.

The fastest Lan Xinrui took two hours, and Zhao Tianjian and Wang Zhuo also followed.

After they condensed the complete weapon formation in their hearts, they all unanimously cast their eyes on Xiao Yu's position.

But when they looked over, Xiao Yu actually meditated directly on the ground, and the long sword was already on the table.

"This guy..." Zhao Tianjian snorted coldly.

Xiao Yu was actually... meditating?

Because the assessors must be fully absorbed and cannot be distracted, so they have no idea what is happening outside, but when they saw it, Xiao Yu was actually meditating!

Has he repaired it? impossible! Because there was no light or fluctuation at that position just now.

In fact, the audience present saw Xiao Yu meditating when the competition was half an hour.

Of course they didn't dare to make any noises for fear of disturbing other people, but snorted in their hearts, thinking that this kid didn't know what he was doing.

Who knows that for two and a half hours, knowing that Lan Xinrui has been repaired successfully and Xiao Yu is still meditating, they are even more confused. Does this kid want to do the trick of the last round?

"Pretend!" Wang Zhuo snorted coldly.

Who knows, after three hours, Xiao Yu hasn't moved yet!

Is this kid giving up?

Zhao Tianjian finally began to breathe a sigh of relief in his heart, and sneered: "The difficulty of the second round is several times harder than the first round. If he is self-knowing, otherwise the repair failure will be even more embarrassing."

On the podium, even Tang Fan and Bai Jing didn't understand what Xiao Yu was doing.

But what is certain is that when the time is up, Xiao Yu has no chance.

"The second round is up."

Xiao Yu finally opened his eyes, stretched his waist, and said, "After sleeping for two and a half hours, it is finally over."

Everyone in the room was stunned...

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