Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1231: The Power of Yin and Evil (Part 1)

In an instant, Xiao Yu's entire thoughts entered a gray-black area.

Suddenly, a large surging sea wave turned into a huge hand, like a prehistoric claw spreading from under the seabed, and suddenly suppressed towards Xiao Yu.

After a while, Xiao Yu's expression was shaken, yes, this kind of breath is too familiar, how familiar is it?

It was the strength that Xiao Yu had been fighting against during the Chenbei Dynasty—Ghost Gate!

That is an evil power similar to the power of the corpse!

"How is it possible!? How could there be such power in this Black Yao Mine?"

Whether the power of the corpse was placed in the previous Chenbei Dynasty or the sect world, it was a kind of evil power and was not ashamed of the cultivator.


A move in his heart suddenly thought of something.

"Is it possible that the cultivator was met by me so soon?"

He remembered what Wu Chen had said that people with this type of power were all called demons, and the former ghosts were also a type of demons.

"Wu Chen said that the people of the Black Cliff Sect have already penetrated into the world of the sect, which means that the demons have always existed, but they did not appear easily."

"This black mine, is it possible to have something to do with the cultivator?"

While Xiao Yu was thinking about this, his soul thoughts were almost about to be suppressed by the giant black hand.

"A little bit of evil power, dare to do evil in my soul?!"

If it is an ordinary cultivator and encounters the power of Yin and evil, I am afraid that he will not know how to resist.

Because this power is full of insidious, fierce, cruel, and even bloody, any negative emotions can describe this power.

And Xiao Yu had fought against this kind of power.

"Drive me!"

With a move of Xiao Yu's thoughts, the long-lost **** asura pattern appeared on his arm.

The red and black Shura's power burst out, turning into a small sun-like brilliance, and the weird red and black energy diffused with endless power of destruction.


Xiao Yu immediately yelled, and the strange red and black energy seemed to come from the brilliance of the sun in the sky, suddenly agitated.

The black giant palm couldn't resist it at all, as if it had been burned, and it seemed as if the clouds and mist blown away by the violent wind, one after another melted away.


The giant hand was shattered, and the dark world connected to it disappeared, and Xiao Yu's thoughts returned to reality.


Lin Zhennan only saw that Xiao Yu had been staring at the Black Yao Mine. He didn't know why, but the advancer Hei Yao Mine unexpectedly burst out with a strange black light.

The black light was exactly the same as what he had seen at the time, and the entire Hei Yao mine turned into a deep and secluded pitch black, and a strange aura permeated.

Lin Zhennan's face suddenly changed.

"What kind of breath is this..."

But look at Xiao Yu, a young man who was actually indifferent, where his body was fixed and motionless.

"Could it be that his consciousness entered the Black Yao Mine?"

Lin Zhennan was suddenly impatient, and even he felt that this kind of breath was definitely not simple, and it was not a good thing.

He was about to attach his own consciousness to rescue, but Xiao Yu's voice sounded in his mind——

"Patriarch Lin, don't act rashly."

Lin Zhennan was startled. The voice was from Xiao Yu, but it didn't sound too panic, but rather calm.

Immediately afterwards, a white light suddenly flashed in the Black Yao Mine, the strange aura disappeared, and Xiao Yu's consciousness was also withdrawn.

If you look closely, you can find that the luster on the black flares is flowing brighter.

"So that's it! It's the ghost of this black mine!"

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