Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1232: The Power of Yin Xie (Part 2)

Back to reality, Xiao Yu's eyes fell on Hei Yao Mine.

Now this piece of Hei Yao mine is the real ore, and it was blinded by that evil power before.

Lin Zhennan was unsure, so he asked, "Little brother, what happened just now?"

Xiao Yu said solemnly: "I don't know if Patriarch Lin has heard of a demon repairer?"

"Demon repairer?"

Lin Zhennan's expression changed slightly, and said, "Those who live in the dark, practice specifically with murderous techniques and cruel methods, or are the cultivators who have gone astray in their practice?"

Xiao Yu nodded. It seems that the sect world still knows this demonic cultivator, but there are probably not many people who know about the Black Cliff Sect and the Black Cliff World, except for the Seven Sects.

Xiao Yu didn't intend to say so much. He said, "This kind of evil power is very powerful. It is dedicated to devouring people's cultivation base or life. If I guess right, the reason for the Lin family's main cultivation base's regression is because of these forces. It was invaded."

It was Lin Zhennan's turn to wonder, and said, "But my body didn't feel anything wrong, so why?"

Xiao Yu shook his head, didn't he really feel wrong?

That's because unknowingly, this evil force has invaded Lin Zhennan's body.

You know, when Xiao Yu's soul was shocked just now, even he was almost taken aback.

That is the power of the soul enveloping the power of Yin and evil, and it is impossible for ordinary cultivators to be discovered without the keen soul realm of Xiao Yu.

I'm afraid it will be swallowed by then and I don't know what it is.

"Patriarch Lin, give me a hand."

Although Lin Zhennan was dubious, he passed it.

Xiao Yu held Lin Zhennan's hand, and his mind entered Lin Zhennan's body again.

Lin Zhennan naturally felt that foreign thoughts had entered his body, but he didn't think Xiao Yu could find out what was wrong.

After all, how could his own body be more unclear than outsiders?

What's more, his original realm was already Earth Spirit Realm, and Xiao Yu was only in the Golden Core Realm. How could he know his physical condition?

Xiao Yu's thoughts entered Lin Zhennan's body. What was strange was that Lin Zhennan's internal organs, flesh and blood, and bones were all undergoing a certain degree of aging. This was the direct cause of Lin Zhennan's retrogression, but it was not the root cause.

Entering the three-day realm, there are no so-called Qi Hai and Jin Dan in the Dantian, because all of them have melted all over the body.

"President Lin, relax your mind, I want to enter your mind now."

Lin Zhennan's face moved slightly, and there was the extremely fragile soul of the cultivator in his mind. It is impossible for ordinary people to be invaded by outsiders.

Because once there is even a needle-like attack, the person's soul will be greatly damaged.

Lin Zhennan looked at Xiao Yu's clear eyes, without a trace of distracting thoughts, but also full of a deep mood. He took a deep breath and nodded.

The defense in his mind was loosened, and Xiao Yu entered Lin Zhennan's mind.

"So this is the soul of ordinary people."

Xiao Yu's mind saw that Lin Zhennan's soul ocean was turbid, like muddy underground.

"No wonder the souls of ordinary cultivators are so fragile. This situation is completely undeveloped."

This primitive is different from the chaos in Xiao Yu's mind.

The world was in a state of chaos at the beginning. Although Xiao Yu's mind was also chaotic, at least it was a chaos with a lot of impurities and dust removed. The soul ocean of ordinary people was completely muddy and muddy.

"See how you hide, come out for me!"

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