Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1265: Now you can die

Lin Zhi was planning to wait for death, but soon, a familiar voice came from the Lin family's mansion.

Immediately afterwards, a flash of light suddenly arrived in front of Lin Zhi, and he also punched out.


Qu Fan's face changed suddenly, his fist style seemed to have encountered something extremely hard, and it dissipated as soon as he touched it, and the astonishing energy swept away, and he retreated suddenly.

Looking at the familiar back, Lin Zhi and the rest of the Lin family's disciples looked happy.

The tall figure, the clothes fluttering in the wind, his face is handsome and calm despite his childishness, and a pair of clear but calm eyes, as if staring into the abyss.

This person is surprisingly Xiao Yu after leaving the customs.

When Xiao Yu finally appeared, Lin Zhi and the others became excited.

It was this boy who helped the Lin Family so much, and it was this boy who prevented the Lin Family from becoming other people's puppets.

It was this boy who shocked the entire Lin family.

After all, Lin Xia and Lin Guangrui were both the pinnacles of human spiritual realm, but they were killed by this young man!

For this kind of strength, for the temporary Lin family, who can have it besides Lin Zhennan who is in bed?

"Boy! You finally showed up!" When Qu Fan saw Xiao Yu, his eyes were cracked and his intent was cruel.

It was this kid who stepped on their Qu family for no reason, immediately killed most of their masters, and then escaped!

When the Qu family saw this man, they wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood!

After so many years, no one has ever dared to be so brave enough to kill their Qu family!

Today this kid must die!

The appearance of Xiao Yu also surprised the casual practitioners who were onlookers.

"This is the disciple from Xiaoyaomen?"

"It should be him. If I guess right, the person who claims to be Lin Yao's brother is likely to be him. Presumably he killed the Qu family to give a sigh for Miss Lin Yao, right?"

"I heard that Lin Xia and Lin Guangrui of the Lin Family were also killed by this kid, but his strength seems to be in the Golden Core Realm?"

Everyone found it incredible.

Can a single Golden Core Realm kill Lin Xia and Lin Guangrui?

If it is true, how terrible is this kid?

Those casual cultivators immediately became puzzled, and one of the thin men said, "Xiaoyao Sect has been silent for so many years. It seems that no one is so good, right? Is it a true disciple?"

"Isn't it possible? As far as I know, the true disciple of Xiaoyaomen seems to be called Yin Bai. He has always been in Xiaoyaomen. Basically, he can't be seen performing tasks outside."

"But this is weird. If this kid, with the strength of the Golden Core Realm, killed so many masters in the Qu family's spiritual realm, and even killed Lin Xia and the others, there is no reason why this kid is unknown? Is it a newcomer? genius?"

"But the newly promoted genius seems to have a young man named Xiao Yu who makes a lot of noise this year. Could it be him?"

"It can't be his. I heard that the kid is already a true disciple. Xiaoyaomen must be offered as a treasure!"

Everyone was very puzzled, looking at the arrogant young man.

Xiao Yu glanced at several of the Lin family's children who had been killed, with a calm expression, and said, "Qu Fan, didn't you come to the Qu family for me? Now you can go and die."

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