Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1266: Fight again with Qu Fan

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yu's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he just rushed forward.

"Oh? My strength has improved. Does the peak of the Golden Core Realm want to kill me? Last time you thought you could escape, but I couldn't kill you? This time, I will let you know the gap between you and me! "

Qu Fan was also extremely angry and laughed. Last time he was escaped by this kid because he was afraid of Xiao Yu's background.

If it's some hidden and powerful casual cultivator, he might throw a rat-avoidance device.

But if it was Xiaoyaomen, he decided to kill.

In fact, there was a hint of surprise in his heart, just because last time Xiao Yu was at their Qu family, he was only a little perfect in the Golden Core Realm, but now, he has reached the peak of the Golden Core Realm!

This kind of cultivation speed is not something ordinary people can achieve, because how long has it passed since then?

Now it makes Qu Fan feel that this kid is definitely going to die!

His thoughts are the same as those of the disciples of the Clear Sky School, Xiaoyao's presence of such a genius, able to kill a master of the spirit realm with the Golden Core Realm, is enough to be shocked.

And the order he received from the Clear Sky School was this kid, absolutely dying!

And seeing Xiao Yu rushing towards him recklessly, Qu Fan showed no sympathy, and some was just a mockery.

With a grip of his hand, he displayed a mysterious power, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth gathered in a white wave.

The waves seemed to spread from the horizon, suddenly turned into a long wave of waves, the powerful oppression was suppressed in the void towards Xiao Yu, and it swept over fiercely.

What Qu Fan cultivates is the use of the Haotianzong's superior techniques and supernatural powers. He has fought against Xiao Yu. He knows that Xiao Yu is powerful, so he used a powerful offensive against Xiao as soon as he came up. Feathers are crushed.

"Be careful!" Lin Zhi's expression changed and he exclaimed.

He deeply felt that if Qu Fan had used this blow as soon as he came up, he would be dead now!

Those casual cultivators who saw this horrible scene were all shocked.

The Earth Spirit Realm is now the strongest strength of the Azure Cloud Region.

Even in the distance, they deeply felt that if this blow was hit, the peak of the human spirit would be killed.

From everyone's point of view, although Xiao Yu made a lot of noise in the Qu family and the Lin family, it was always in the Golden Core Realm, and it was completely different from the Earth Spirit Realm.

Xiao Yu's eyes were still cold, and he shook his head and sneered. He and Qu Fan had fought against each other. This kind of supernatural power was indeed very powerful, but he was no longer who he was at that time.

I saw the heaven and earth spiritual power suddenly urged, and Xiaoyao Fu also suddenly started to operate.

The terrifying power of Fu suddenly transformed under the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and then, his hand drew a circle in the void, and in a short time, the power of Fu turned into an invisible vortex.

"This is... the power of heaven and earth!?"

The expressions of all the onlookers changed drastically, and even the children of the Lin family seemed unbelievable.

The four realms of pill formation can actually stimulate the spiritual power of heaven and earth! ? How is this possible?

"What magical power is this?"

Compared to Xiao Yu's ability to use heaven and earth's spiritual power, and the surprise under the terrifying physical power, Qu Fan was even more puzzled that Xiao Yu actually used new magical powers this time.

Just as he was puzzled, his face suddenly changed.

The invisible vortex is like a big sucker. The white dragon is like a beautiful woman in her arms. It is suddenly absorbed in. The tens of meters huge white dragon is immobile as if trapped in a space. .

"What!?" Qu Fan's pupils shrank.

Who knows this is not over yet, Xiao Yu drew a circle in the opposite direction with his hand, his eyes drenched, and he suddenly shouted——

"Blast me!"

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