Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1279: Elegant firearm

Jia Chen's face was sneered. The green wall of the other party was indeed very powerful, and the five-level formation was enough for ordinary people to fight the three-day state.

But you should know that the five-level formation is also strong and weak.

According to the scene where Xiao Yu was watching from a distance when he was fighting Qu Fan just now, this kind of formation is powerful, but it is impossible to carry the power offensive of the Great Spirit Realm.

One more thing, his mixed Qi Sanyuan Quan is an almost top-level existence in the profound grade supernatural powers of the Haotian School. Even Qu Fan's Thousand Chance Cloud Killing is inferior to his move. How could it be blocking his offensive?


With a loud noise, the huge green wall suddenly broke through a big hole, and Jia Chen's figure filed in and rushed towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's face was stunned, and the two-handed seal was knotted again.

As his Jieyin got faster and faster, the three invisible fists in the air also blinked.


Xiao Yu uttered a word again. Suddenly, the sky filled the air with green energy, and immediately transformed into countless branches and vines, forming a semi-enclosed giant net of rattans that covered Jia Chen's offensive. .

The fist and the giant net of vines resisted, and finally exploded a few meters in front of Xiao Yu.


With another loud noise, the mixed gas Sanyuanquan and the turquoise vines suddenly turned into countless green stars.

However, Xiao Yu was lifted more than ten meters away by this terrifying impact to stabilize his figure.


When the offensive was broken, Jia Chen was not surprised at all, but laughed three times.

Because when I look at Xiao Yu at this time, his figure is in a state of embarrassment, and his hair is a bit messy. An originally chic boy has suffered such a loss.

This also shows that Xiao Yu is not Jia Chen's opponent.

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered slightly. If it hadn't been for his defensive skills, even if he spurred the birth of the wood formation, I am afraid that now he would not only be slightly injured.

"Is this the strength of Earth Spirit Realm Dacheng?" Xiao Yu questioned himself in his heart.

Jia Chen carried his hands with his hands on his back and looked at Xiao Yu with a sneer. He sneered at Xiao Yu and said, "Xiao Yu, didn't you say you want to challenge me? Do you know my strength now?"

It's true that Xiao Yu is in a weak position, but if he admits it like this, doesn't it prove that he has lost?

"Jia Chen, the battle is not over yet, are you so confident that you can win?"

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, flipped his hand, started with the Seven-Star Sword, and immediately uncovered, the starlight filled, a kind of ancient sword spirit wantonly.

"Good sword!"

Seeing Xiao Yu's seven-star sword exhibition revealing, Jia Chen gave a light exclamation.

Although the sword was half rusty, it didn't prevent Jia Chen's surprise in his heart.

Seeing this sword, Qu Fan's eyes were splitting. Yes, this kid used this sword to kill most of their masters in the Qu family.

"Jia Chen, be careful of this kid's sword!" Qu Fan reminded.

Jia Chen chuckled and said: "Interesting, really interesting, I will play with you."

When he moved his mind, a purple-black long bow appeared.

"Boy, I haven't been so happy for a long time, today I will let Ye Lan Gong play with you."

As soon as this bow and arrow appeared, it looked like an illusion, but it was like a phantom moving in the dark, which made people feel very strange.

Especially the purple-black bow has a lifelike pattern like a beast.

"High Grade Spirit Tool!"

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