Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1280:

Feeling the aura of a powerful spirit weapon, everyone's expressions moved.

Top grade spirit weapon! Outside of the Seven Sects, it is already a top-level existence.

And even for some second-rate sects, only true disciples or sect masters are eligible to have them, just because the high-grade spirit artifacts are too precious!

Even if it is an acquired high-grade spirit weapon, the master craftsman cannot easily refine it.

And the most powerful spirit weapon Xiao Yu has encountered so far is naturally the opponent's longbow.

Of course, as a weapon used by a few people, the longbow weapon is extremely rare.

Jia Chen really enjoyed the jealous and longing eyes of the people around him. He smiled coldly and made a final question, saying: "Boy, let me say one last thing, don't let you go!"

The so-called questioning is nothing more than superficial effort. Jia Chen just wants to have more legitimate reasons to destroy the boy in front of him.

"Jia Chen, you talk so much nonsense, do you think you are determined to win?"


Jia Chen laughed wildly again, then his face condensed, and said: "I don't know the height of the sky and the earth, my Yelan bow has never been abnormal! You asked for it!"

Saying that, there is a bit of success in his eyes.

He said that it was too late and it was fast, he immediately finished archery, and immediately shouted coldly: "Night Fantasy!"

The spiritual power of heaven and earth condensed under his urging, bending the bow and shooting arrows, and a translucent sword style with weird purple and black streamers appeared.


The arrow pierced the air, making a wind-breaking sound that tore the air, and suddenly it whizzed over.

The weird arrow flying in the air is like a meteor dragging a long tail, and the horrible aura fluctuates, as if it can burst and penetrate a fifth-level monster.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath. The power of the arrow was really terrifying. The distance flying in the air was almost thunder and lightning. He guessed that even if a master of the Earth Spirit Realm touched him, he would suffer serious injuries if he did not die. .

The spiritual power of heaven and earth was mobilized into the body by Xiao Yu suddenly, and immediately mobilized to the Seven Star Sword.


The dazzling starlight suddenly shone out, and Xiao Yu lifted his sword and slashed it up.

Xing Taoyue!

The dazzling star was to be killed, the sword light stretched out a distance of more than ten meters, drawing a beautiful arc in the sky.


A terrifying vibration erupted at the moment when he touched the sword style, Xiao Yu's face moved slightly, his arm numb, and the Seven Star Sword was about to drop out.

"What a terrifying arrow!"

Xiao Yu's heart sank, and he finally knew how terrifying this high-grade spiritual weapon was.

After all, Jia Chen's strength is too strong.

After all, both the strength and the level of weapons are so high, the strength of the heaven and earth spiritual power spurred is definitely not something Xiao Yu can imagine.

"Hahaha! Do you know how good my night is? But the good show is yet to come!"

Jia Chen laughed three times like this, shooting arrows again with a full bow, but this time, there were five arrows gathering.

At this moment, the expressions of Lin Zhi and others changed greatly.

Of course they felt the aura fluctuation caused by the collision of the sword and the arrow just now, Xiao Yu was almost exhausted!

"No! This Jia Chen seems to be a killer!" Lin Hu exclaimed.

The Lin family was pale.

Obviously, Jia Chen's strength has become stronger, and the Earth Spirit Realm is almost a crushing existence.

Xiao Yu had tried his best to resist that story just now, but now?

Jia Chen grinned, boy, let me see how capable you are! Even if I can't kill you, I will make you pay the price of blood!

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

The five arrows burst out all at once, like meteors driving the moon, and like upside down music, they turned into a series of black shadows in the air and shot past.

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