Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1294: The First Battle Demon Repairer (Part 2)

It was Xiao Yu's turn to be surprised.

High-grade spirit weapons can't be taken out casually, and this person's status is terrifying!

But as Wu Chen said, the cracks in the sect world could not accommodate people of too high a level.

Is the space crack bigger?

When it was said that it was too late, Ibo danced his black light long knife, the pitch-black blade is stern and cold, a large black light diffused out, and the eerie mist suddenly jumped out.

The secluded woods that were originally full of greenery suddenly became extremely cold, as if they had fallen into a dark ice cellar.

The swords collided suddenly, and with a clanging sound, Ibo suddenly felt that his arms were numb, and the black mist was suddenly defeated.

"What a powerful sword!"

There was a sudden jump in Igbo's heart.

When he was in the Lin family, Xiao Yu used the Seven Star Sword to deal with Jia Chen, but the distance was too far, so he couldn't sense the power of this sword.

But just now, when confronted with Xiao Yu's long sword, he vaguely felt that his high-grade spirit weapon was actually weak.

"This kid is not only exceptionally talented, but also such a high-level weapon with weapons. It seems that his identity is really not simple!"

With one blow, Igbo was shocked.

"Boy, you really have two things."

In Igbo's eyes, he just despised the other party just now, so he seemed a little overwhelmed.

Judging from the realm of strength, the final winner must be him.

He saw his long knife suddenly slashed out, and the black mist in the sky enveloped hundreds of meters in a radius, and all the grass and trees withered.

At the same time, a kind of cold evil force seemed to be pervasive, invading towards Xiao Yu's body.

"You underestimated me."

Xiao Yu sneered. He had yelled with unknown cultivators, and was already familiar with their moves.

Of course, if an ordinary person is so trapped in the spiritual realm, I am afraid it will definitely not be good for a while.

"It's a pity, you met me."

As Xiao Yu's heart and soul were urged, Shura's power suddenly spread over his body, forming a red and black halo.

The strange thing is that all those black mists are inaccessible when they encounter the halo formed by the power of Shura.

Igbo's face changed, but he couldn't invade?

How did he know that Xiao Yu's Shura power seemed to be the nemesis to these evil powers, and the reason for this was unknown to him.

At the same time, Xiao Yu's heart and soul had already locked in a hidden breath.

"Point a star!"

Xiao Yu shot out with a single sword, and the starlight of tens of meters condensed into a point, like an aurora, and it seemed to form, but it brought a long thin line of starlight and pierced it out.

If Jia Chen were here, he would definitely be surprised, because Xiao Yu's power of the Seven Star Sword at this time was three points stronger than that day.

The starlight thorns immediately tore the air. What is more desirable is that a white starlight flashes in the originally pitch-black mist.

It's like a thundercloud without dark clouds, with countless electric snakes flickering and entangled.

Ibo himself wanted to quietly kill Xiao Yu taking advantage of this blurry line of sight. After all, he knew that Jia Chen also used all his strength in the end to make this kid have to ask outsiders to help, and he didn't want to take it lightly. I also wanted to solve this guy at the speed of Thunder, so as not to have many dreams at night.

But who knows, when he was about to kill with a long knife in his hand, a starlight suddenly magnified in his eyes, feeling the sword style that was extremely compressed to a little star line, his face changed, and he was just dodge...

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