Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1295: Sonic vibration

"call out!"

The point of star stab speed was too fast, and Xiao Yu was surprised again, and urged his ultimate strength.


Ibo couldn't dodge, the star thorn directly penetrated his shoulder, bleeding continued, and the black mist dissipated.

Ibo's face was gloomy and terrible, and endless fog filled him.

"Boy! You must die!!!"

Ibo was suddenly furious, his eyes burst out with a blood-red color, countless black mist erupted from his body, turned into a hundred-meter black mist snake, and suddenly bit towards Xiao Yu.

The Black Mist Snake is very large and lifelike, with an astonishing black qi in its ferocious mouth, which seems to melt upon contact.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, he no longer hides, his mind moved, and the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth gathered on the Seven-Star Sword like an ocean.

The starlight suddenly flashed, and Xiao Yu stabbed three star thorns like lightning.

The three starlights flew out together, dragging out three starlight thorns that looked like kites, which was terrible.

One toward the black mist giant snake's forehead, one toward the snake's seven-inch heart, and one toward the abdomen.


The three sword poses suddenly cut the black mist giant snake into three sections.

At the same time, the three star thorns smashed and decayed, and the momentum was not diminished, Qi Qi came to Ibo to kill.

Yibo's face was moved, he finally understood what kind of opponent Jia Chen was facing!

This kid is simply too strong!

How did he know that in the end, Jia Chen had to use Yehuan's strongest move, Yu Lihua, because at the time Jia Chen felt that only in this way could he truly kill this almost enchanting young man.

And Ibo, still somewhat underestimated the other's ability.

"Boy, do you think you are determined to win?"

Ibo suddenly grinned, black light exploded on the long knife in his hand, and a large swath of black sharp light suddenly cut across.

"Keng Keng!"

Xiao Yu's star thorn was suddenly smashed, and the black light flashed, slashing down like a devil with teeth and claws.

"So strong!"

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, Ibo's strength was even slightly stronger than Jia Chen.

And you know, Jia Chen is already the number one genius disciple in the Clear Sky Sect Inner Sect!

This shows what?

It shows that the Black Cliff Sect is indeed terrifyingly strong.

"Hey..." Although Xiao Yu was a little helpless, this was almost an expected result.

After all, the Earth Spirit Realm is still too strong. With his current strength, he still can't kill him for the time being.

"Come out."

The golden light suddenly flashed, and a golden shadow like a long whip was suddenly drawn out.


The black Li Mang was suddenly shattered.

"what is this!?"

Yibo's face changed drastically, what kind of monster is that?

What appeared in front of him was a huge lizard over five meters in length.

It's just weird that the head of this lizard is very mighty, like a snake or a dragon, and its golden scales reflect a dazzling luster.

The sad barb was cold and cold, as if it could penetrate the heart.

It was the long tail of this big lizard that broke his sword just now.

This kid actually has a demon pet!

This golden lizard is really a little dragon.

This was also the first time Xiao Yu saw Xiaolong's fighting state after evolution.

However, Xiao Yu found that the little dragon had become even more mighty. Although the whole body was still like a large lizard, it was obvious that the original large abdomen had shrunk a lot, and the overall figure was closer to the snake.

Xiaolong's eyes are very loud, like a torch.


Suddenly, Xiaolong roared, and an invisible vibration enveloped it...

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