Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1303: doubt

When he mentioned the Haotian School, Wen Zhan's face suddenly sank, and a chill filled his face.

Even the expressions of Elder Jiang and Elder Han were full of indifference.

Xiao Yu naturally caught these in his eyes.

This face was so familiar, he remembered that when they first entered the sect, they said that the Sect Master of Xiaoyaomen had closed to death, and then from that year onwards, Xiaoyaomen began a huge change.

What happened?

Naturally, decline.

At that time, because of Xiao Yu's weakness, they didn't talk to Xiao Yu too much, just let him concentrate on cultivation.

At that time, Xiao Yu had vaguely guessed that the decline of the Xiaoyao Sect had a great cause.

And now their expressions are actually related to Clear Sky School?

Is it really like the outside rumors?

Xiao Yu was practicing. He had heard that the period when Xiaoyao Sect began to decline was the fastest rise of Clear Sky School.

Could the decline of Xiaoyao Sect have something to do with the Clear Sky School?

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?

Elder Han took a deep breath, tried to calm himself, and said: "As one of the seven sects, the Haotian School is also obliged to monitor the spatial cracks. If it is really related to the Black Cliff World, it will not benefit them at all. ."

Wen Zhan also recovered his calm and nodded: "That's right, Black Cliff World has invaded the Zongmen World. It can be said that it is not good for anyone. I don't think they would be so stupid to choose to cooperate with them."

What they said was the same as Xiao Yu's previous guess.

However, since this matter was the hindrance of the Vast Sky School, from this point of view, the Vast Sky Sect was also improper, trying to steal Lin Yao without the knowledge of the Xiaoyao Gate. It can be seen that the practices of the Vast Sky Sect have already made Wen Zhan feel disgusted and hated. .

"I said so, but does the Haotian School really treat me as if there is nothing in the Xiaoyao door!" Elder Jiang said coldly.

Although the Xiaoyao Sect had declined, until now, no sect really dared to calculate them like this.

"The Haotian Sect has risen for a while since our sect began to decline more than 20 years ago, and has become the head of the seven sects. Although it has nothing to do with us, I have not done anything to our Xiaoyao Sect in these years. I always feel that Clear Sky School must not be simple secretly." Wen Zhan said with some fear.

"Elder Wen, what do you mean by this?" Xiao Yu asked strangely.

Wen Zhan glanced at Elder Jiang and seemed to stop talking.

Elder Jiang also took a deep breath and thought for a while, but still shook his head, and said, "Forget it, Xiao Yu, the affairs of the Clear Sky School will be ignored for the time being, we will deal with it."

Although Xiao Yu wanted to ask, he nodded, but this made him more sure that Clear Sky School seemed to have something to do with Xiaoyao Sect.

Since Wen Zhan didn't tell Xiao Yu, he didn't bother, in their words, when the time was right, he would know sooner or later.

But now the main thing is to improve strength.

Xiao Yu stepped back, and the three elders were silent for a long while.

Elder Han broke the silence and said, "Do you think Qin Yuxuan really has something to do with the people of the Black Cliff Sect? Otherwise, how can it be explained that his strength has developed so terribly over the years?"

Wen Zhan's eyes were startled and suspicious when he mentioned this person.

Both Elder Jiang and Elder Han looked at Wen Zhan.

Wen Zhan shook his head slightly and said, "To be honest, I don't know. I have never figured out him for more than 20 years."

Elder Han thought: "According to ancient records, the Black Cliff Sect is powerful and its magic cultivation technique is against the sky. Even our Xiaoyao Sect, which is known as the world’s number one technique of the Sect, is slightly inferior, plus this incident. After that, it became even more clear that the Clear Sky School might have a connection with the Demon Cultivator. In this way, wouldn't it make sense?"

Elder Jiang shook his head and denied: "Don't make a final conclusion so quickly. Qin Yuxuan and Elder Wen were known as double star geniuses of the Zongmen World. They were placed high hopes by the Vast Sky School, and their future is limitless. In that case, there is no need to be enchanted."

"Forget it, so many years have passed, don't think about it for the time being if you can't figure it out, but the matter of the demon cultivator must be spread out, so that everyone in the sect world begins to beware."


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