Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1304: What to do

On the other side, Xiao Yu returned to his mountain pavilion with questions.

I haven't seen rhubarb for almost two months. The rhubarb is still lazy, but Xiao Yu hangs his head as if thinking about something.

Rhubarb glanced at Xiao Yu and said faintly: "Boy, don't say hello when you come back. If you are strong, you won't recognize people?"

Xiao Yu reacted, rolled his eyes, and said, "What are you talking about, I'm thinking about something."

Of course he knew that Rhubarb was joking, but when Rhubarb saw Xiao Yu coming back, his strength had reached the peak of the Golden Core Realm, he was secretly surprised.

"Look at you, have you encountered something tricky?" Rhubarb asked more.

Xiao Yu nodded and explained everything he encountered in this line of business.

"It's those guys again." Rhubarb seemed a little indifferent.

Xiao Yu was also accustomed to its attitude. It might not be worth mentioning for the creatures from other planes, or even higher planes. Rhubarb did not have any burden, but Xiao Yu was different.

He didn't care too much about the Black Cliff Sect before, because once his strength was too weak, he couldn't reach this level at all, and there was no way to resist the Black Cliff Sect.

The other is that the Black Cliff Sect did not harm him, nor did he harm his relatives and friends.

But things are a little different now.

He met the people of the Black Cliff Sect and fought against them, and these people of the Black Cliff Sect seemed to become active, and I am afraid that they are still connected with many forces in secret.

They did so naturally to prepare for the Black Cliff Sect to enter the world of the sect.

At that time, even if Xiao Yu wanted to stay out of the situation, that would be impossible.

"A bunch of rats and ants, what is there to worry about, if you encounter my main body, wouldn't it be a matter of turning over them to destroy them?" Rhubarb said proudly.

Xiao Yu gave it a white look and said, "Return the body, if you come to this plane, your cultivation level is also limited, right?"

Rhubarb seemed a little surprised to glance at Xiao Yu, and said faintly: "Boy, it seems that you know a lot, you have become smarter."

Xiao Yu shook his head slightly, he knew the space crack, and he could easily guess it.

Those strong masters of the Black Cliff Sect cannot easily come to the sect world through spatial turbulence.

In the same way, Rhubarb's body strength must be very strong. Since it came here through the turbulence of space, its strength must be limited.

At least when crossing that plane of space, the strength of Rhubarb has never reached its peak.

Rhubarb was still arrogant and said: "Even if my strength is limited, as long as I want to, don't say that a guy in the small world can't kill me, even if I stand still, all the sovereigns of your so-called sect world will not join hands. Might kill me."

It was Xiao Yu's turn to be surprised.

There is no power fluctuation in Rhubarb, but when he didn't know, the realm of Rhubarb was there.

Although he came to this lower plane, with the realm of rhubarb, it was enough to overlook the entire sect world.

"Don't guess, my realm is beyond your imagination." Rhubarb hit directly.

Xiao Yu smiled helplessly. Fortunately, he was used to being beaten by the rhubarb, and he didn't care anymore.

"Then what do you think of me now?"

"What should I do?" Rhubarb left these words and continued to sleep soundly.

Although there are only a few words in this statement, it is concise and meaningful.

"That's right, I'm afraid the whole world is looking for me now. The top priority now is to break through to the three-day realm!" Xiao Yu's eyes were a little expectant.

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