Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1310: Wang Wei's Perseverance

Many of the Huan Yuezong disciples on the competition stage were gnashing their teeth and glaring, of course, even Wang Wei's expression was gloomy.

"It's just deceiving people too much! I'm so justified by stealing something from someone else!"


The disciples of Huan Yuezong were still filled with righteous indignation and felt unworthy for Wang Wei.

"Senior Brother Wang, don't promise him! He must be fooling you!"

"That's right! There is no credibility to talk to this kind of yokocho!"

The disciple of Fengshimen suddenly sneered and said: "What is meant by robbing someone else's things? That is because Wang Wei has no strength. How can he become a rob when he falls into your mouth?"

"That is, when did the weak begin to be sympathized? Don't you know that strength is respected here? Any failure is just to make excuses for your cowardice." The disciple of the Clear Sky School also took the words indifferently.

With that said, Wang Wei's face on the stage was even more ugly.

On the contrary, Xiao Yu secretly nodded in agreement with what they said.

Yes, in a world where strength is respected, there is no one who can't grab it. Even if you have strength, if you kill someone, others dare not do anything to you.

But the vast majority of losers like to make excuses for their failures.

It’s not wrong for Wang Wei to be weak. Cao Yukai was the first to make it. It’s not even wrong for the oriole to be behind. The fault is that Wang Wei is too weak.

Xiao Yu shook his head, no longer interested in this place.

Wang Wei and him are just a fate, and there is no friendship at all. The last time was clear.

And Xiao Yu didn't care about it leisurely.

And just here, Wang Wei said solemnly: "Cao Yukai, since you refuse to give it to me, then I will continue to challenge you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Wei used a powerful supernatural power to kill Cao Yukai.

Originally, Wang Wei had lost to Cao Yukai, but now this guy who knows nothing about life and death is going to attack him, isn't it a bad idea?

Cao Yukai sneered. The middle-grade spiritual weapon in his hand was suddenly swung, and the sword gas turned into countless sharp lights and killed it.

Although his weapon was only medium-grade, from the eyes of those present, it was already close to the existence of a high-grade spiritual weapon.

In addition, Xuanjian Pavilion is good at swordsmanship and supernatural powers. When Li Mang went out, the expressions of people within a hundred meters changed greatly, and they couldn't help retreating violently, for fear of being affected by sword aura.

Wang Wei had already taken a desperate blow, but his supernatural powers were not at the level of ordinary profound grades, and he was not as strong as Cao Yukai, so the supernatural powers would not be broken in an instant.


Wang Wei let out a scream, his hands were wounded by sword qi, and several shocking wounds of several inches long were drawn, and the blood flowed.


Cao Yukai's eyes were disdainful, and he swung out a sword, Wang Wei's shoulder was suddenly pierced, and his figure was thrown away.

"Brother Wang!"

The faces of the disciples of the Huan Yuezong changed drastically, looking at the martial arts arena where blood was shed, these disciples sighed and depressed.

People from other sects don't have any mercy at all, and some are just indifference.

In the sect world, the weak eat the strong, and the weak will never be sympathized.

Looking at the ground like a dead dog, Cao Yukai's eyes were cold.

But no one noticed that Wang Wei slowly became afraid.

Although his face was a little pale, he still stood up unsteadily, the flow of blood, but he didn't care.

"Cao Yukai, I...I haven't lost yet..." Wang Wei said like this, with spiritual power brewing, and it seemed that he was about to shoot again.

Seeing his stubborn look, Cao Yukai sneered even more, and said: "What a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten, isn't your foundation damaged? I'll let you hurt another layer!"

As soon as the voice fell, Cao Yukai killed again with a sword. This time, his strength was increased by three points, and it was obvious that Wang Wei was going to be abolished!

"Huh! You, a disciple who has become a second-rate and useless person, dare to provoke me. Today I will truly abolish you!"

Suddenly here, a faint voice sounded--

"You have already won, why bother to make another heavy move?"

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