Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1311: Let me help you this time

Everyone cast their gazes over, and only heard the words fall, and a figure was in front of Wang Wei, a kind of imposing pressure, unexpectedly squeezed from all directions, forming an invisible vibration, and immediately shocked Cao Yukai Return.


Cao Yukai's face suddenly changed drastically, and after this shock-repulsive force, he suddenly retreated violently, and only then could he see this figure clearly.

After listening to the figure, the slim robe looked extremely well-proportioned, and a face that was still a little childish had a cold look.

"Xiao Yu!?"

Seeing this person, Wang Wei reacted immediately, and soon many people recognized him, of course the disciples of the Clear Sky School were even more stunned.

Why did Junior Brother Xiao Yu go up there? This is a test of others!

"Are you Xiao Yu?" Cao Yukai's eyes flickered with cold light.

Xiao Yu said lightly: "It's me."

Wang Wei was stunned. How could Xiao Yu be here?

When he was even more shocked, Xiao Yu's strength actually reached the Golden Core Realm!

It can't be wrong, that familiar aura fluctuation, that is the aura of the final Golden Core Realm when the four realms of the core formation are reached!

But shortly afterwards, he couldn't help being horrified again.

Just now, the momentum of the Zhongtiandi... the spiritual power of the world?

Wang Wei's heart suddenly jumped, heaven and earth spiritual power, only the three-day realm can be used!

But he is no more than Golden Core Realm!

This is simply impossible!

However, the oppression of the aura just now was not emitted from a person at all, but was brewed and squeezed from the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

Not only him, after Cao Yukai asked, even he himself felt unbelievable for a while.

Yes, that kind of fluctuation is too familiar, and only the elders in his sect, as well as the true disciples, are qualified to spur the spiritual power of heaven and earth!

Do not! impossible! This kid is not in the Golden Core Realm, how could he spur the spiritual power of heaven and earth?

Cao Yukai stared at Xiao Yu suspiciously, his eyes very cold.

"Boy, did you finally show up? I still want to settle the account with you!" Cao Yu Kaisen sneered.

This young man, defeated Lin Shiwei of their Xuanjian Pavilion, and has recently made a lot of noise in the sect world. He has long wanted him to challenge the settlement.

It is no longer a big secret that Xiaoyaomen has a true disciple's rise.

Seeing Xiao Yu came to power, the disciples of Haotian School, Fengshimen, Xuanjian Pavilion, and Bai Yugu all showed a hateful attitude.

Everyone had a ghost in their hearts, and they all hoped that Xiao Yu would be killed, but now that it is all right, Xiao Yu actually came on stage by himself.

Although Wang Wei was surprised by Xiao Yu's appearance, he still weakly said: "Xiao Yu, you are not his opponent, go down quickly.


Xiao Yu smiled lightly, he saw Wang Wei's expression with an added appreciation.

"Brother Wang, you helped me last time. Let me help you this time."

Yes, Xiao Yu finally decided to help Wang Wei.

Originally, he didn't want to care about things here anymore. Firstly, he had nothing to do with him, and secondly, he couldn't be interfered by outsiders when he came to fight.

But Xiao Yu heard Wang Wei's last sentence that I hadn't lost yet. He saw an attitude of not admitting defeat and willing to fight for what he deserved.

No one can realize that Xiao Yu grew out of nothing, cultivated alone to the point where he is today, the kind of reluctance to admit defeat, the kind of determination that he is still willing to fight for himself even if he knows the danger ahead.

He saw his once shadow in Wang Wei.

Even if Wang Wei knew that he was still defeated, as long as he did not fall, he still chose to stand up.

In this world, how many people know that there is danger and are willing to take risks?

Although from a certain point of view, this kind of trip to Hushan knowing that there are tigers in the mountains is stupid and a death-seeking behavior.

However, the path of cultivation, the journey of enlightenment, if there is no risk of adventure, how can one snoop on the Supreme Way?

At the same time, he was disgusted with the sinister Cao Yukai's heavy hand.

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