Shura God Emperor

Chapter 132: Skeleton Soldier (Part 1)

In the illusion, Xiao Yu's heart moved, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Suddenly, at this moment, someone exclaimed.

"what is that!?"

Following that person's gaze, everyone saw a few hundred meters ahead, as if something broke out of the barren land.

Even Xiao Yu had a bad premonition when he saw it.


Finally, a dark shadow suddenly broke out of the ground, and then fell to the ground.

Suddenly, everyone's complexion changed drastically, and Xiao Yu's eyes were also narrowed, and a feeling of extreme vigilance emerged spontaneously.

It was a skeleton with a bone sword in his hand, and a bone shield. There was a gloomy green thing like a ghost fire at the position of his eyes, which looked extremely eerie and terrifying.

At the same time, only the sound of "pupupupu" was heard, and the same situation appeared in the surrounding area, dozens of skeletons all broke out of the ground.


These skeletons are not hideous, but because there are two groups of ghost fires with the same eyes, they will look very scary.

At this moment, these skeletons kicked their legs and culled all the nine contestants.

Along the way, the white bone sword swayed out, an invisible cold light that seemed to stab the soul and was killed.

Xiao Yu's heart moved, and his soul attacked!

Including other people, of course, they also felt the terrible part of these skeleton offensives.

Two or three of them turned pale with fright, and couldn't help backing a few steps.

Zhao Tianjian said coldly: "Get out of all those who are afraid of death, don't be embarrassed here!"

When Zhao Tianjian spoke, he flipped his hand, and suddenly he condensed a long sword, and then directly killed it.

In this illusion, in a sense, it is the same as in his own formation.

In one's own formation, oneself is the master, and anything can be condensed and used through the power of one's own soul.

This is the terrible thing about the array mage.

Wang Zhuo over there snorted coldly, condensing a big sword and greeted him directly.

Lan Xinrui didn't back down either, so she naturally challenged.

Because you can only use the power of the soul, that is to say, if you want to survive in this illusion, you can only use what you are good at.

Although these three array geniuses are not cultivators, they are very familiar with the array. It is not difficult for them to be familiar with the environment and control their soul power to fight.

With the exception of Xiao Yu, those few people gritted their teeth and withdrew like this unwillingly, all of them rushed forward.

The number of skeletons is too much. Obviously, this is part of the assessment of this illusion. They will kill them when they see others.

Once you cannot resist being killed by them, then the soul will be traumatized.

On this side, three skeletons suddenly rushed towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and he was also ready to fight.

His biggest reliance is the power of the body and the cultivation of his body. Of course, since he is in the illusion, then he can only use the power of the soul.

"Let me see how powerful your illusion is."

Xiao Yu gave a chuckle, stepped out, and his figure just swept out.

The power of the soul was directly covered on his fist, and he blasted out with one punch.


The skeleton was directly blasted into bones by Xiao Yu.

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