Shura God Emperor

Chapter 133: Skeleton Soldier (Part 2)

At the same time, the other two skeletons were also culled. Xiao Yu didn't care at all, and his fists shook out. The astonishing power of the soul was like a surging sea, and the skeletons were scattered instantly.

A bunch of skeletons popped up on the ground again, they seemed to be wise. Seeing Xiao Yu's soul fluctuating so powerfully, all a dozen skeletons swung their swords to kill them.

In this illusion, although it is a consciousness, you must know that Xiao Yu's cultivation and combat abilities are extremely rich.

Even using the power of the soul is just a change of state.


Xiao Yu moved his fists in turns, and each punch was filled with shocking power.

This power was deep and vast, as pure as the sea, and a dozen skeletons were instantly shaken away by Xiao Yu.

This scene also fell into the eyes of the other eight people, and several people felt a look of surprise.

The foundation of Xiao Yu's soul is so powerful!

Even Lan Xinrui felt a shock.

Among the three, her soul talent is the most powerful, and the time of her formation is the longest.

Therefore, the power of the soul is definitely the strongest among so many people, except for Xiao Yu of course.

But I didn't expect that even if Xiao Yu had a strong soul talent, he would be better than them in terms of control and soul realm.

Zhao Tianjian's face was very gloomy. He was originally showing his power here in order to get Tang Fan's approval. Who knew Xiao Yu once again surprised him.

"Xiao Yu, I will eliminate you anyway! This place must be mine!" Zhao Tianjian's eyes showed killing intent.

Outside the court, many people saw Xiao Yu's easy battles, and they all marveled at the strength of Xiao Yu's background. It turned out that they all underestimated Xiao Yu.

Tang Fan's heart was even more shocked.

"How could this kid's soul power be so pure!?"

Xiao Yu is not as good as Tang Fan in the realm of soul, but the depth and purity of Xiao Yu's soul power is definitely the most powerful since Tang Fan has contacted so many people.

You know, apart from the formation master who cultivates the soul, the alchemist and the refiner also cultivate the soul, but in comparison, all the others are simply weak.

It's like Xiao Yu is a small lake of clarification, even those masters of formations, alchemy masters, and tool masters, they are at best a muddy sea.

The area of ​​the sea is larger than that of a lake, but it is not as transparent and clear as a lake. More importantly, the lake will continue to expand and become a river, the sea...

"Xiao Yu, let me see what you are capable of."

The audience present could not feel the soul breath in the illusion, but Tang Fanneng, because this illusion is his.

What no one knew was that an imperceptible light flashed in Tang Fan's eyes.

Go back to the illusion.

For these skeletons, Xiao Yu really felt too fragile. In a short period of time, Xiao Yu had killed hundreds of skeletons. The most other people were Lan Xinrui, who looked like more than 30. .

The barren fantasy zone was littered with bones and fragments.

The original nine people have now become seven people, and two of them were really unstoppable and gave up early and were sent out.

Xiao Yu and them of course knew that this was just an appetizer. If it were that simple, then there would be no need for any assessment.

Sure enough, at this moment, another more powerful soul wave enveloped the entire barren land, and all the bones on the ground shook...

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