Shura God Emperor

Chapter 134: Fire Dragon Fist

Immediately afterwards, these bones actually aggregated separately, condensing into a four-legged white bone monster, with a total of seven heads.

This white-bone monster beast looked like a wolf like a tiger, and looked extremely hideous. The white color of the whole body added a gloom and terror.

The strange thing is that these seven-headed monsters are also effective in reminding them. The biggest reminder is directly as large as ten meters, and the smallest one is three meters. Similarly, there is a group of ghost fire in their eyes. .

Xiao Yu suddenly felt that his soul was locked in, and in the next instant, that ten-meter-large wolf tiger and white bone monster directly culled at him quickly.

Xiao Yu frowned, and he didn't expect that the biggest and most powerful monster beast would actually kill him. Is this because of his soul cultivation, or what?

He didn't know, because in just an instant, the monster beast had already reached Xiao Yu's.

The other people were also a little surprised, but soon, their own wolf tiger monster pounced on them.

"Just let me meet you for a while." Xiao Yu snorted coldly, and greeted him alone.

"Fire Dragon Fist!"

Xiao Yu let out a cold drink, and the amazing soul power suddenly condensed on his fist. With a punch, a ten-meter-large fire dragon blasted out.

This fist blasted out, and the people watching from the outside suddenly burst into an uproar. None of them thought that Xiao Yu would use the power of the formation first.

The admiration in Tang Fan's eyes became more intense.

"First level battle formation, this kid hides so deeply."

The Baijing next to him was naturally shaken by Xiao Yu. This time he believed that there was definitely someone behind Xiao Yu!

This fire dragon fist naturally came from Xiao Yu's battle formation. As soon as this fire dragon appeared, the space along the way seemed to be burnt and distorted.


The wolf tiger and white bone monster beast also realized Xiao Yu's power, and let out a ferocious roar, suddenly a black whirlpool condensed and a black light burst out.

"Break it for me!" Xiao Yu shouted loudly, the Spiritual Path circling rapidly, and the power of the soul urged out endlessly.


The black light was annihilated, and Xiao Yu's fire dragon fist went out to sea like an angry dragon, directly disrupting the black light attack, and then his fist disappeared, and the fire dragon head ran into it in an extremely arrogant posture.


With a scream, the wolf tiger and white bone monsters fell apart again, and the two groups of ghost fire seemed to be condensing. Xiao Yu had long discovered that the ghost fire was too greasy, and with a punch, the two groups of ghost fires were directly extinguished.

This coherent action was extremely rapid, and the other six people were still fighting hard.

No one could have expected that Xiao Yu's formation comprehension level was so high that he directly dumped them for several blocks.


At this time, one of the examiners flew over, and then disappeared in place as soon as he gritted his teeth.

At the same time, some people were sent out one after another. Obviously, they had already given up.

Soon, there were only four people left here. They were Xiao Yu, Zhao Tianjian, Lan Xinrui and Wang Zhuo.

It can be seen that Lan Xinrui and the three of them have consumed a little, and even the standing body feels a little fluctuating.

This is because the soul is consumed too much, which causes the consciousness to fluctuate sharply.

Zhao Tianjian panted, and the killing intent in his eyes was even worse. Wang Zhuo also cast a very cold look at Xiao Yu. Only Lan Xinrui was more and more shocked at Xiao Yu.

At this moment, the mutation happened again...

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