Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1332: The violent girl

The figure that came out had an alchemy made of jade, and was about fifteen years old, just like a smart elf.

This person turned out to be Zhan Xiaoyu.

Zhan Xiaoyu seemed very surprised when he saw Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu hadn't seen this girl for several months. Once they met, he felt a familiar fluctuation.

Golden Core Realm! ?

"It's a coincidence that I saw you here. Did you come to practice too?" Zhan Xiaoyu is still so lively.

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Could it be that I'm here to play!"

"Hehe, that's the same." Zhan Xiaoyu smiled, still so cute and moving.

"Huh? You have also been promoted to the Golden Core Realm!" Zhan Xiaoyu reacted immediately, looking very surprised.

Xiao Yu is ashamed, what do you call you!

Haven't you reached the Golden Core Realm yourself?

He was very shocked by Zhan Xiaoyu's cultivation speed.

The first time I saw Zhan Xiaoyu, what strength is this girl!

Pill Formation Realm Great Perfection!

But now?

It is now in the Golden Core Realm!

At that time, he was already in the Real Pill Realm!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu was moved by Zhan Xiaoyu's talent.

He thought that his cultivation speed was already a monster, but he didn't expect this girl to be more perverted than himself...

Suddenly, he looked at Zhan Xiaoyu weirdly, and said: "Would you not have absorbed all of Earth Spirit Qiong?"

Speaking of this, Zhan Xiaoyu seemed extremely excited, and said: "Yes, I swallow one drop every week! But I have finished taking it a long time ago, so I am still two levels away and can break through to three days. Reality! I will also be a first-class powerhouse by then!"

Xiao Yu cursed secretly in his heart, what a violent thing!

Earth Spirit Joan is so precious, although it can help cultivation, but Earth Spirit Joan is very good even for the three-day realm!

And Earth Spirit Qiong is more than just helping to break through.

Xiao Yu was speechless, but it was Zhan Xiaoyu's own choice, and he had no right to interfere.

"Okay, I'm going to practice." Xiao Yu waved his hand.

"Wait, I've been looking for you several times. I met you this time and I just told you." Zhan Xiaoyu pulled Xiao Yu with his eyes flapping.

"What are you looking for?" Xiao Yu's heart moved, as if he had guessed something.

"Our Purple Spirit Sect's formation exchange meeting!"

"Oh." Xiao Yu appeared calm and didn't tell Zhan Xiaoyu that he had planned to participate.

Zhan Xiaoyu looked very dissatisfied, puffed up, and said, "Hey, are you not interested? It is the formation genius of the entire sect!"

"Let's talk about it." Xiao Yu said directly.

He has wasted a lot of time today, and doesn't want to entangle this girl for the time being.

"Huh! Just be proud of it. It will be impossible for you to see such a magnificent formation enchantment as the'Miracle Formation'."

Xiao Yu's heart moved, but he still ignored this girl and just went in.

"I am so angry!"

Zhan Xiaoyu yelled angrily, and stuck out his tongue at Xiao Yu who was slowly closing Shimen.

"Never come!"

Zhan Xiaoyu left angrily, and Xiao Yu was surprised in secret.

"The mirage formation enchantment?"

Xiao Yu was curious.

"It seems that this Purple Spirit Sect's formation exchange meeting turned out to be really not easy."

He thought this way, temporarily put aside his head, and focused on breaking through.

Day by day, and a month later, the formation exchange meeting of the Purple Spirit Sect also arrived as scheduled.


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