Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1333: Go to the Purple Spirit Sect (Part 1)

The huge sect world is famous for the seven sects, which are located in the center of the entire sect world.

If the world of the Spirit Gathering Pagoda is the center, the Seven Sects almost surround the Spirit Gathering Pagoda in an encircled state.

The Purple Spirit Sect is a sect in the sect world that focuses on formation practice.

If the decline of the Xiaoyao Sect is reflected in the scarcity of sect disciples, then the Purple Spirit Sect is somewhat similar to the Xiaoyao Sect, because there are very few disciples of the Purple Spirit Sect.

Array mage is a bizarre profession that specializes in soul, and among thousands of people, there will probably be an array mage with innate soul talent.

Therefore, compared to the whole world is full of cultivators, the existence of the array master must be a minority group.

The entire sect of the Purple Spirit Sect has only two hundred disciples.

This is very rare for the big sect, which has thousands of disciples of the sect, but these array masters are the strongest group of almost the entire sect.

On the way to Xiaoyaomen, a young man shuttled among the mountains and forests, enjoying a leisurely journey.

This person was surprisingly Xiao Yu who went to participate in the Purple Spirit Sect's formation exchange meeting.

If you look closely, you will be able to discover that the heaven and earth spiritual power of Xiao Yu's body is jumping around Xiao Yu in a slightly restless posture.

Enjoying the scene of being surrounded by the spiritual power of heaven and earth and being able to be urged at all times, Xiao Yu's face was full of enjoyment.

"This is the real three-day state!" Xiao Yu said with emotion.

Yes, after a month of retreat, Xiao Yu finally broke through the film on the realm and reached the realm of three days in one fell swoop.

The human spirit is small!

When Xiao Yu was in the Golden Core Realm before, the Golden Core was indeed gone, and he could still stimulate the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth, but he always felt that something was missing.

Knowing now, he knew that what he lacked was the feeling of deep contact with heaven and earth spiritual power.

"It turns out that the three-day realm is a process of constantly and understanding the spiritual power of heaven and earth."

The foundation-building realm is to beat the flesh, the four realms of the pill formation is to temper Jin Danni, and the three-day realm is to temporarily put down the physical body to comprehend the spiritual power of the world.

With the improvement of the realm, the understanding of the spiritual power of heaven and earth becomes deeper, which means that the depth and compression of the spiritual power of the heaven and earth will become stronger and stronger.

Xiao Yu shook his hand so lightly, and the spiritual power of the world around him was swarming around his palm, and an invisible pressure was enveloped.

"It turns out that only by transforming the spiritual power of heaven and earth into the power of Fu, can the power of Fu be able to exert its greatest power." Xiao Yu was deeply moved.

His Xiaoyao Fu has reached the sixth level.

The sixth layer is still in the realm of Shen Gui, but his power is even greater.

"With my current strength, it is not impossible even to challenge Jia Chen." Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes, and a confident divine light shone in his eyes.

Jia Chen is the number one in the inner door of the Haotian Sect, a strong man in the earth spirit realm.

The last time Xiao Yu faced Jia Chen, he was almost completely at a disadvantage.

In the end, he had to force Xiao Yu to almost use his hole card power.

Jia Chen would not let Xiao Yu go, but Xiao Yu would never let Jia Chen go.

"If you meet me next time, then I won't keep my hands." Xiao Yu's eyes were a little cold.

Now his realm has reached a new height, and it is also a new height, which is a great improvement for Xiao Yu's self-confidence.

"Just take a look at how lively this array mage exchange meeting is."

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