Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1334: Go to the Purple Spirit Sect (Part 2)

A few hours later, Xiao Yu came to a deep and secluded mountain forest, and on the way, Xiao Yu had found many people in twos and threes walking in this direction in groups.

Almost all of these people are Array Masters.

Xiao Yu discovered that these people were very young, even younger than him.

The costumes worn by everyone show different sect disciples. Of course, Xiao Yu also found some of them dressed in plain clothes. They didn’t seem to have too much vigor, but looked ordinary, but the powerful soul fluctuations exuded. , Has vaguely demonstrated their power.

This was also felt by Xiao Yu's heart and soul.

"These must be distributed all over the world of the sect, or the formation masters of other small and medium sects."

Xiao Yu hurriedly thought to himself.

Sweeping a few like this, their soul fluctuations are extremely extraordinary, without exception, they are at the level of the Great Master of Formation.

Xiao Yu was astonished in his heart, and immediately fell silent.

"If you don't really come out, you don't know that this world is so big."

After Xiao Yu came to Zongmen World, he hardly encountered any great master of formation.

On the contrary, he had encountered a master refiner of the same soul realm level when he was in Bi Lingyu.

I thought that there were very few great masters of these formations, but just now, dozens of people passed by him.

This could not help but sigh that it was not that there were few great masters in the formation, but that he hadn't met his level yet, or hadn't reached a higher level, so he didn't meet it.

The Purple Spirit Sect was the first six major sects that Xiao Yu went to, so Xiao Yu had great expectations in his heart. There were already so many talented geniuses on the way. Then when he arrived at the Purple Spirit Sect, he would be What kind of scene?

Each sect is very secretive, some are on the mountain, some are hidden in places few people know, and some even use formations to psyche outsiders and hide themselves inside.

The Purple Spirit Sect is the latter surprisingly.

"What a huge fantasy formation." Xiao Yu stopped in front of a deep forest.

Like him, the young Array Mage also stopped outside one after another.

The phantom array in front must have enveloped a huge sect.

"Hehe, it's really interesting. Will the first level test us? Little meaning."

A white-clothed young man laughed, full of confidence, and strode forward.

A kind of strange fluctuation was waved out, and immediately his whole person was a mud cow into the sea and disappeared in front of everyone.

As the white-clothed youth stepped into it, many people stepped forward one after another.

One after another, some people rushed towards this side from behind, almost all of them were Array Masters, and at a glance, there were hundreds of people.

Of course, the soul realm that comes later is lower, basically the level of the master of formation.

But if any of these people were placed on the Chenbei Dynasty, it would already be enough to sweep!

"It's just a phantom array, and you want to stop me?"

It was a proud young man who was at the level of a master of formation. As soon as he entered it, it didn't take long before he was bounced out by the magic formation.

"a ha ha ha!"

Everyone burst into laughter when they saw him like this, the young man's face was red, and he was blasted out by the formation before he entered for half an hour.

This means that even this phantom formation cannot be broken, so don't even think about participating in any formation exchange meeting.

Xiao Yu shook his head slightly.

This person may have just been promoted to the level of the master of the formation, this kind of soul realm is too weak, I am afraid that even the threshold of this illusion will not be touched.

"It seems to be a little simpler." Xiao Yu thought in his heart.

He thought that people from the entire sect world could go in and participate.

But think about it, if the messy people can come in, then it seems that the formation exchange meeting of the Purple Spirit Sect seems too cheap.

After all, it is a way for the Purple Spirit Sect to select disciples in disguise!

"Go back and wash and sleep, kid, this is not for you second- and third-rate people to come."

At this time, a sneer sounded behind him.

The disciples of the second- and third-rate sects were suddenly frustrated, and when they saw this person's clothes, they were slightly surprised.

"The disciple of Fengshimen!?"

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