Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1340: The formation exchange meeting begins

Xiao Yu was curious: "In other words, this so-called formation exchange meeting is actually to give the formation masters of the whole sect an opportunity to understand the four-attribute formations of your sect?"

"Yes." Zhan Xiaoyu looked very excited.

"You don't know, this formation exchange meeting is only held once a year! I just joined the Zongmen last year, but it happened to be past. I have been waiting for a long time!" Zhan Xiaoyu yearned for everything.

But Xiao Yu was thinking about another problem, and she was silent in her heart.

"The formation of these four attributes must be very precious. How could the Purple Spirit Sect give outsiders insight into it casually?"

The Fenghuoshan Forest is the attribute of the four combined suzerains of the Purple Spirit Sect, and it was immediately set up in the Purple Spirit Sect to be enlightened by disciples.

And the formation masters participating in the formation exchange meeting are the entire sect. In this way, wouldn't it give other sect disciples the opportunity to penetrate the purple spirit sect formation?

"No, there must be some reason for this."

When Xiao Yu thought about it this way, he asked his doubts.

Zhan Xiaoyu snorted, thinking about it, and said: "To be honest, I have thought about this too, but I don't know why. It is probably the Sect Master and the elders who want to increase the overall strength of the Sect Mage. Right."

Xiao Yu smiled lightly, and shook his head to himself.

Zhan Xiaoyu is too simple.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

With such an important and powerful sect, how can it be possible to say that it is provided and then provided?

After Xiao Yu suffered from the loss of Master Yu last time, he did not believe that such a simple conference would be so simple.

"Well, actually I don't know much. I also heard about it. You'll know tomorrow! I'll go back and prepare first, but don't go back if you can't persist in the first round, otherwise it will be too embarrassing!"

Zhan Xiaoyu made a face to Xiao Yu, even if he left.

Zhan Xiaoyu's innocence and simplicity made Xiao Yu somewhat kind.

The sect world is full of interests, and each has a ghost.

"Forget it, I don't want to, I will know tomorrow."

No words for a night.

The formation exchange meeting of the Purple Spirit Sect was held the next day.

The venue was on the bluestone floor hall in front of the large archway of the Purple Spirit Sect.

"Huh!? That's big!"

After Xiao Yu came out of his residence, he found that the floor in front of the Zongmen Archway had changed.

Immortal energy is still lingering, but the site has become a huge place with a total of thousands of meters.

From a distance, there are still towering mountains around, and even the palace of the Zongmen stands on the mountainside.

This bluestone floor is completely like a huge piece of mountain that is inserted horizontally, and it seems to be able to cut off the sharp edge of the mountain.

"It turns out that with such a real formation, I am afraid that only the Purple Spirit Sect can display it." Xiao Yu exclaimed.

Yes, the thousand-meter-long bluestone floor was condensed from the formation.

The singularity of this formation is that people will be in it, and it will not be like falling into a phantom formation.

Of course, from another angle, this formation is just condensing such a huge floor.

"I need such a large piece of land, what kind of form is it?" Xiao Yu looked forward to it in his heart.

The crowd has also increased. After coming out, according to the soul jade slips provided, the people participating in the exchange have stood together, about four to five hundred people.

The formation exchange meeting of the Purple Spirit Sect is not only open to the outside world, of course the disciples of this sect can also participate.

Zhan Xiaoyu also spotted Xiao Yu's figure and waved towards Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu was about to walk over. Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd not far away. Several disciples of the Purple Spirit Sect gathered around a young man. After coming over, when this young man appeared, many people showed surprise expressions.

He was about sixteen years old, a little younger than himself.

His face was cold and arrogant, with his hands on his back, there was some extraordinary glow on his face, but when he saw him, Xiao Yu's heart moved, a feeling of deja vu.

Heart and soul!

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