Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1341: Fu Yuran

Yes, in this person, he sensed a familiar fluctuation!

"This is one of the three awakened souls of the Purple Spirit Sect, right?"

"He is right. His name is Fu Yuran, and he is also a true disciple of the Purple Spirit Sect. Except for the true heir of the Purple Spirit Sect, he is the one who awakens the heart and soul. I heard that the soul talent is very good. The level of the fourth rank of the sky is one soul level behind the enchanting genius mage Zhan Xiaoyu."

"It seems that Fu Yuran and Zhan Xiaoyu are two rising evildoers from the Purple Spirit Sect, right?"

"Yes, although the soul talent is weaker, only the fifth rank of the sky, but the heart and soul is awakened. Another Zhan Xiaoyu soul talent is the fifth rank of the sky, although she has not awakened the heart and soul, but it is reported that she has understood the formation of space power. , Very scary."

The people present were divided into two halves, usually almost all the disciples of the Purple Spirit Sect, the other half, of course, disciples of other outside sects, there were more than two hundred people.

Most of these people are at the rank of Master Formation Master, their soul realm has not yet reached the spiritual realm.

According to Xiao Yu's understanding of the soul, the soul ocean is still muddy without reaching the spiritual realm, but at least it is much better than ordinary people.

He had entered Lin Zhennan's soul ocean, and the degree of turbidity was simply unsightly.

The Spirit Soul Realm is also a watershed existence, too much turbidity has been removed, and more clear and bright realms have appeared.

This principle is the same as breaking through the pill formation realm to the three-day realm.

The Grand Master of the Formation Technique, in addition to the thirty or forty people who met outside, plus the Purple Spirit Sect, it turned out to be fifty or sixty.

This is what Xiao Yu was surprised by.

Because in terms of strength, the Great Master of Formation is already comparable to the three-day realm!

"This is too much, right?" Xiao Yu sighed with emotion.

Between his emotions, Zhan Xiaoyu ran over and asked curiously: "Hey, what are you thinking about?"

"Oh, no, it's just that there are too many great masters of Spirit Soul Realm, which is a little surprised." Xiao Yu said.


Zhan Xiaoyu covered her mouth and smiled, and said, "You seem to be scared."

Xiao Yu shrugged and said nothing.

He was not afraid, but unexpectedly.

Imagine that Yang Xuan, ranked second in the inner door of the Clear Sky School, was a great talent in the spiritual realm.

I am afraid that there are only three or four experts in the three-day realm in the inner gate of the Clear Sky School!

And Clear Sky School is the most powerful of the Seven Sects!

Other sects, such as the number one Jinsui in the inner gate of Xuanjian Pavilion, have just stepped into the human spirit realm!

Then, if you count it like this, isn't the Purple Spirit Sect the number one sect?

Zhan Xiaoyu smiled and said: "Tell you, you really think that the Great Master of Formation is all over the street!"

Xiao Yu's heart moved and looked at Zhan Xiaoyu.

"I’m not afraid to tell you that many people have been waiting for this exchange meeting for a long time. For this time, they are determined to win, so some second- and third-rate sects, even our disciples of the Purple Spirit Sect, will use it. Certain secret methods increase the strength of one's soul power."

"Increase the power of the soul?" Xiao Yu's heart moved.

"Yes, in this way, they won't be brushed down in the first round! I heard that this is an unwritten rule!" Zhan Xiaoyu said.

Xiao Yu asked, "Why did they do this? Because it is not the real state, so sooner or later it will be brushed down."

Looking at it now, this formation exchange conference must have certain requirements for the soul realm, and if the realm cannot be reached, it is definitely impossible to comprehend the four attribute formations of the Purple Spirit Sect.

"Hey, because only after the first round is it possible to enter the second round, as long as they survive the first round, they will have the opportunity to come into contact with the four-attribute formation in the second round. For many people, even if it is Touching one point is also good for their soul realm."

Xiao Yu suddenly felt that this was the case, and that's why he created the illusion of a great formation master and many people in the spirit realm.

This makes sense.

Zhan Xiaoyu disapproved and said: "Wait for the real assessment, those who use secret methods to enhance the power of the soul will be revealed."

Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly fell on Fu Yuran, the hot spot discussed just now, and asked: "Then he should be the real master of the formation."

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