Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1344: Goodbye Zhao Xin (Part 2)

The crowd suddenly exclaimed, and everyone looked at the pavilion.

The pavilion is very large, with two floors. The first floor is as high as 20 meters. These are for all the disciples of Qizongmen to watch the movie.

The top of the building is as high as thirty meters. At this time, there is already a young man standing on it, and of course several elders, and this young man is naturally what they call Qiu Dongyang.

However, Xiao Yu in the crowd also found a familiar face.

"It seems that Senior Tang's status is not low." Xiao Yu stared at one of the familiar figures.

Yes, that person is really Tang Fan.

Although Zhan Xiaoyu is also a powder carved jade, he will be a great beauty in the future, but when he sees Zhao Xin's beauty, temperament, and status, he can't help but envy, and said with emotion: "Senior Sister Zhao Xin is not only beautiful, but also has such a high status. , Elder Tang personally sent out to receive Elder Tang, but our second elder of the Purple Spirit Sect! He is also the Great Master of Formation."

Zhao Xin's sword flew to the top of the building, and fell gently like a feather to the top of the building.

"Elder Tang, good elders." After Zhao Xin fell, she politely saluted the headed Tang Fan.

Tang Fan and a few elders sighed with emotion, really young and promising!

"Miss Zhao doesn't need to be such a big gift. You are the Sect Master of the Magic Moon Sect in time. According to the truth, we should be the one who bows to you." Tang Fan smiled.

Zhao Xin is talented and terrifying. It is said that her strength is not even some of the elders of the six sects.

With such an amazing talent and strength, only Jiang Tianyu among the geniuses can compare.

But Jiang Tianyu is not the same as Zhao Xin. Zhao Xin is a candidate for suzerain and will be the suzerain of Huanyuezong.

In addition, the Purple Spirit Sect and the Magic Moon Sect have been acquainted with each other for generations, because they are both neutral sects and will not have disputes with other sects, so the two sects can easily be in close friendship.

Zhao Xin said modestly: "Elder Tang joked, now Master is the Sovereign, and I still need to learn from the elders."

Zhao Xin has red lips and white teeth, Qiong nose and eyes, a frown, and her gestures are elegant and dignified. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is Fairy Juechen.

"Sister Zhao, come here." Qiu Dongyang arched his hands toward Zhao Xin.

Qiu Dongyang was in his twenties and was the second true disciple of the Purple Spirit Sect and the rank of the Great Master of Formation.

He started earlier than Zhao Xin, but Zhao Xin's current status is different. The latter is the only candidate for the Sovereign of the Magic Moon Sect!

That is the suzerain of the future Magic Moon Sect!

So he must be called that.

Zhao Xin nodded politely.

"Miss Zhao, I don't know why we will come to our Purple Spirit Sect to watch this formation meeting?" The Third Elder asked curiously.

Zhao Xin shook her head slightly, and said: "I just came out of closed-door retreat, and occasionally realized something, so I went down the mountain to find an opportunity to break through to a higher realm, so that I could participate in the Seven Sect Conference in the near future. Passing by the Purple Spirit Sect, I heard about the formation conference, so Come visit the elders, and by the way, take a look at the formation geniuses that have emerged from the sect world over the years."

Having said this, Zhao Xin suddenly thought of a person, yes, this person was Xiao Yu.

She didn't have any feelings for Xiao Yu, but Wei Wei was surprised that Xiao Yu turned out to be an array mage?

It is not surprising that Zhao Xin didn't know that Xiao Yu was an array mage, because after she left the Chenbei Dynasty on her front heel, Tang Fan went to the Chenbei Dynasty on her heel and watched the formation exchange meeting of the Chenbei Dynasty.

After hearing this, everyone was slightly surprised.

That said, Zhao Xin broke through the retreat and went down the mountain to find an opportunity, and it was for the Seven Sects Conference!

Qiu Yangdong sighed: "The Seven Sects Conference last year, Sister Zhao was still in retreat, Jiang Tianyu won the first place in one fell swoop. If you want to come to the Seven Sects Conference this time, maybe Senior Sister Zhao's reputation will resound throughout the entire sect world."

Zhao Xin said lightly: "Fame, fame and fortune, but the only thing that can break through the heavens is what Zhao Xin wants for life."

Tang Fan and other elders looked at each other again, their expressions moved.

The candidate for the Sect Master of Magic Moon Sect is indeed extraordinary, and the grand ambition shown in his words goes straight to the sky.

Everyone turned their attention back to the formation assembly.

"It's going to start."

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