Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1345: The first round (on)

In the venue, just as everyone had been waiting for a while, the Purple Spirit Sect came to walk out of an old man.

"He is the assessment elder of our sect, Elder Shen, this assessment is presided over by him." Zhan Xiaoyu said.

Xiao Yu nodded.

As soon as Elder Shen appeared, all the disciples in the venue calmed down.

Elder Shen said loudly: "I am the elder for this assessment. Those who can come here must have confidence in their own cultivation. Whether you are disciples of the Purple Spirit Sect or other sects, we treat them equally. "

"Presumably, the people present must have participated many times, but there are also some people who have participated for the first time. Then I will simply talk about the rules of this exchange conference."

This Fenghuoshan Forest Formation will only reject those disciples who have obtained inheritance, but if they fail to participate many times, they can still participate.

Because to a certain extent, the inheritance of Fenghuoshanlin would never be that simple for such a large sect as the Purple Spirit Sect.

Since it is the inheritance of the seven sect masters of the Purple Spirit Sect, how could it be so simple to be realized?

Therefore, the Purple Spirit Sect is not afraid of disciples from other sects who have participated many times.

However, Xiao Yu still had such a question in his mind.

The so-called formation exchange meeting held by the Purple Spirit Sect, since it is the inheritance of the attributes of the four original sovereigns, it is definitely the treasure of the Zhenzong!

Let's not talk about the disciples of this sect.

For the disciples of other sects, the Purple Spirit Sect was open to the entire sect world, even if the reason for "recruiting disciples from other sects" was used, Xiao Yu could not be convinced.

He always felt that there must be something wrong with it.

However, Xiao Yu's attention temporarily fell to Elder Shen.

A third of the disciples listened attentively, for fear of missing something.

Elder Shen said: "I will start the formation of Fenghuoshanlin in a moment. Although you have passed the illusion formation outside our Purple Spirit Sect, this is not enough. The first round is to test your soul realm. But off, now the first round begins."

Elder Shen immediately retreated below the emission level. Hundreds of disciples stood on the thousand-meter-long bluestone floor without appearing crowded.

I saw that Elder Shen's hands were rapidly changing, and then, above everyone's heads, there was a powerful wave oscillating out.

"It's going to start!" Zhan Xiaoyu looked very excited.

"This time, I will definitely understand one of these attributes!"

"Last year, I was a little bit close. Even if I was exposed to a little bit this time, my soul cultivation was enough to improve."

All the young Array Masters are eager to try, even the three people known as the most promising, Duan Zhihui, Ji Yining, and Fu Yuran, couldn't help but brighten their eyes.

Obviously, the three of them are also participating for the first time, because they are all awakened, and they are considered to be the most promising array geniuses who can understand one of the attributes of Fenghuoshanlin.

"Relax your soul, and then you have to enter the formation." Elder Shen's voice sounded in the venue.

Xiao Yu relaxed his soul like everyone else, and then, he found that the soul jade slip on his body seemed to be affected by something, and immediately a burst of energy hit his mind and soul.

At this moment, the surrounding venue suddenly changed...

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