Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1352: The Neglected Array Master (Part 2)

Everyone present was taken aback.

Yes, this name is too familiar, just because some time ago, this name shook most of the sect world.

That was a super genius from Xiaoyaomen, or a true disciple!

"Huh? Xiao Yu?" The Fifth Elder stared at the figure, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar he became, and exclaimed, "In that case, this kid seems to be the one who was evaluated by the Seven Sects!"

"How is it possible!?" All the elders of the Purple Spirit Sect were taken aback except for Zhao Xin who had been silent.

It was the Five Elders who supervised the seven sect assessments.

Although the assessment of the so-called seven sects is not the only place for these sects to screen their disciples, there have been many super geniuses with extraordinary talents in every assessment of history.

Only in view of the fact that there have been few super geniuses in the assessment over the years, they sent the Five Elders.

Unexpectedly, that assessment shocked almost the entire sect world. The most important thing is that the Xiaoyao Sect, which has been in decline for so long, has actually obtained such a talented super genius.

In the end, this young man named Xiao Yu once made a lot of noise in the sect world, and was compared with Jiang Tianyu's evil spirits.

Zhao Xin's expression on the side was calm and not fluctuating, but in her heart she talked about how to be truly calm as water?

After all, there was such a falling leaf that fell in her heart, causing waves of waves.

Of course, the waves soon settled down.

After being surprised for a while, the other elders were also calm.

"This kid from the Xiaoyao Sect is undeniably a little capable. I didn't expect that he would be an array mage, but the one who can come today is the most powerful genius in the Zong Sect world. Even though he is a double cultivator, he wants to get the ranking. It is impossible to have the results of the seven sect assessments." The third elder said indifferently.

That's right, Xiao Yu's talent and the noise made them really surprised them.

But in any case, Xiao Yu's strength lies only in mainstream cultivation, not in formation.

The Fourth Elder also nodded and said: "To be honest, Shuang Xiu has been able to reach Duan Zhihui's level over the years, and he has been alone in the past few decades. Although he is an inner disciple, with his talent for formation, we Zongmen must also be true disciples."

Duan Zhihui is a person from the windshield. Although other elders do not want to praise a person from another sect, they really have to admire Duan Zhihui's powerful talent.

"Well, but whoever gets the inheritance of Fenghuoshanlin is also their good fortune." The third elder said lightly.

The other elders looked at each other one after another, appearing very calm, even Qiu Dongyang nodded slightly.

Zhao Xin saw this scene in her eyes, and she faintly said: "I'm afraid, this formation exchange meeting is not that simple. If I guess it is right, it is a great benefit to Zi Lingzong."

When these words came out, Tang Fan and the others were all taken aback and looked at Zhao Xin.

"Miss Zhao..." The Fourth Elder gave a dignified expression.

Does she know?

Zhao Xin calmly said, "Four elders, don’t be so nervous. Although I have noticed some signs of this, this is your own sect. Everyone is selfish, even the sect is no exception. I There is no right to ask, plus you are also for your own sect."

Tang Fan and the others took a deep breath and said, "Miss Zhao is aware of the beauty and righteousness. It seems that the Huan Yuezong will one day be able to shine under the leadership of Ms. Zhao."

All elders are very tacitly no longer speaking.

Zhao Xin is not an array mage, but she can see the real situation of the formation exchange conference. It is conceivable that this Zhao Xin is not easy!

"It's time to enter the fourth level." Qiu Dongyang shouted.

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