Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1353: Weird forest attribute magic array

Everyone's eyes returned to the venue again.

The third level of the first round also ended after half an hour.

At this time, there were only seventy or eighty people left in the third level.

The scene changed again, the clear sky turned into a lush forest scene.

The towering trees cover the sky and the sun. There are five people who are so huge in environmental protection. The grassland is green and the lush spring makes people feel comfortable.

But after the first three passes, everyone became vigilant.

Often in such a quiet scene, the crisis must be great, and they dare not take it lightly.

"This should be the Lin attribute. I don't know what kind of scene it will be this time?"

As Xiao Yu was preparing, suddenly, he was a little surprised, because he felt that his soul seemed to be touched by something.

That feeling is like a kind of intimate connection. The source of this connection is the current formation.

"What's the matter? Just now, there was no such induction in the illusion of Fenghuoshan's three attributes, so why did Lin attributes have it?"

Xiao Yu didn't know, just between his doubts, this green forest illusion world finally changed.


Right here, the surrounding towering trees actually moved. The strange thing is that all the towering trees are uprooted.

The dancing branches, like devil's claws, grabbed them towards them. The scene covering the sky and the sun shocked everyone present.

Some disciples who got close were immediately entangled by the branches of the big tree. These branches grew crazily, and finally sealed them all on the trunk. They didn’t even make a sound, so they were lost. qualifications.

"Boom boom boom!"

The several roots of the horrible towering trees move on the ground like large feet with intertwined roots, and the dancing branches keep entwining everyone.

"Haha, interesting."

Duan Zhihui chuckled, relying on his powerful heart and soul and soul realm, he dodged from left to right, those branches simply couldn't entangle him.

Similarly, Ji Yining and Fu Yuran also dodge leisurely, even if countless branches are about to run into them, they can still escape easily.

This is the powerful six sense abilities endowed by the heart and soul, as well as the power of the soul realm.

Zhan Xiaoyu is also like an elf, constantly jumping.

There are more than a dozen towering trees. Although their moving speed is not fast, their branches can be stretched endlessly. Once they are entangled, the strength of the soul is lower, and it is not enough to break free, and they can only be entangled. Death, or can only helplessly crush the soul jade slip.

And Xiao Yu was also the nearest to the "tree monster" for a moment, and his feet were quickly entangled.

"It's not that easy."

The last level is left. Because the first three levels did not cost too much effort, Xiao Yu still has a lot of soul power left, plus he also has a heart and soul. His foot shook, and the power of the soul spurred him. Suddenly he broke free. He was about to escape. At this moment, a strange scene appeared, and there were three tree demons around Xiao Yu approaching.

There are more than ten tree demons in the entire range. With so many people, these tree demons almost always attack when they see their target. However, in Xiao Yu's place, the three tree demons did not attack other people, and went straight towards him, including The one just now has four tree demons!

"Huh?" Xiao Yu frowned, and his heart became serious.

On the other side, Tang Fan and other elders were surprised to see the scene on the light curtain.

"Strange. In previous years, the tree spirits attacked when they saw the target, but four tree spirits attacked one person at the same time and basically never met." The fifth elder was surprised.

The Fourth Elder cast a fixed look and frowned, "That kid is... Xiao Yu?"

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