Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1354: Dryad Siege (Part 1)

The elders fixed their eyes and found that the four tree monsters were besieging Xiao Yu.

It was their turn to be surprised.

In the four phantom arrays of Fenghuoshanlin, they are all set to attack when they encounter a target.

The third elder thought for a while, and said lightly: "These tree monsters are triggered by the formation of their own, and they can't be controlled by humans, and they are not necessarily aimed at Xiao Yu. Maybe they are just around the four tree monsters."

This statement is a bit far-fetched, but several elders have some thoughts in their hearts, but they didn't say anything, and looked at the scene ahead quietly.

The formation mage is a powerful existence, and the terrifying formation mage can fight against a group of enemies with one person. Therefore, Zhao Xin is also interested in these formation geniuses.

But seeing that there were indeed four tree demons besieging Xiao Yu just now, Zhao Xin was a little surprised.

Tang Fan and other elders didn't say it clearly, but Zhao Xin seemed to have guessed three points.

Back to the magic array of wood attributes.

Originally there were only fifteen tree demons, but there were already seventy to eighty people left. On average, one tree fairy would attack five or six people. Now Xiao Yu has attracted four tree demons. This made the other array masters feel the pressure greatly increased.

In the second floor pavilion.

Except for the Xiaoyao Sect who didn't come to one this time, many other sects also came.

The disciples of Fengshimen, Xuanjian Pavilion, and Baiyugu saw the embarrassing scene of Xiao Yu on the light curtain, and they secretly cheered up.

"This guy actually came to participate in this formation exchange. I really don't know what is good or bad. It's best to quickly brush it down, and it will be an eyesore." The disciple of the windshield sneered.

The other two sect disciples also watched the excitement.

Of course, they hated Xiao Yu, so it was a joy for them to see all the bad things in Xiao Yu.

Return to the magic array of wood attributes.

Faced with the four tree demons approaching him, Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and he didn't even understand what was going on, but then his heart moved.

"Is it because of the contact just now?"

When the Dryad hadn't appeared, Xiao Yu had that strange feeling in his mind.

But if that's not the case, why wouldn't other people have so many dryad attacks, but only oneself?

I imagined that countless branches swept towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu didn't have time to think so much, and dodged from left to right.

His current mind is the embodiment of his soul.

Apart from the fact that this incarnation cannot use the formation, whether it is the soul realm, the power of the soul, or the heart and soul, it is no different from the body.

With the help of the powerful heart and soul, no branches can wrap Xiao Yu.

He acted like a butterfly wearing a flower, and sometimes jumped like a monkey. In the gaps of these "devil claws", either before or a little bit, Xiao Yu dodged all the circumstances.

"It's a lucky guy." Ji Yining over there had already noticed Xiao Yu's movement, and his face was calm and calm.

But Duan Zhihui frowned.

To be able to do so easily and comfortably, unless the heart and soul are awakened.

"This guy awakens his heart and soul? That's impossible." Duan Zhihui sneered in his heart.

If it was the awakening of the heart and soul that caused these tree monsters to entangle themselves, then he, and Fu Yuran, Ji Yining should have been entangled long ago.

"This kid must be due to the existence of something that is incompatible with this wood-attribute phantom array, otherwise these tree monsters will not be able to attack him." said one of the Purple Spirit Sect disciples.


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