Shura God Emperor

Chapter 355: Dryad Siege (Part 2)

Someone suddenly exclaimed in the pavilion.

A strange scene appeared. Only four dryads were seen. With Xiao Yu as the center, the old tree-like packing suddenly stopped moving. Then countless branches on the trunks of the four big trees spread out, connecting in pairs. The gesture is surrounded.

From a distance, it looks like a densely enclosed fence.

The only difference is that this towering tree is as high as tens of meters, and the branches are connected in the form of a fence, almost airtight.

And Xiao Yu was surrounded by the center, obscured from the sky, and could not see the surrounding scenes at all.

After the illusion, many people were surprised to see this scene.

"Xiao Yu!" Zhan Xiaoyu was startled, and was going to help soon.

But no matter how she just took a step, suddenly this square, airtight fence was shrinking rapidly.

Strictly speaking, it is the four tree monsters constantly moving closer to the middle, and together with the fence, they are also pulling and shrinking.

This is to besie Xiao Yu inside.

This scene is indeed a bit unexpected for many people. The four tree demons are aggressively rounding up a formation mage?

But not many people in the illusion are idle, because they also have to guard against the remaining tree monsters.

Duan Zhihui and others are relatively relaxed.

Fu Yuran's face was the coldest and arrogant, and there was not much emotional fluctuation after seeing this scene.

Ji Yining looked indifferent and interested.

Needless to say, Duan Zhihui, while dodging, looked like watching the show.

And Zhan Xiaoyu didn't know if she would help, she thought to herself: "This guy will be fine."

Although she wanted to help, there were also many of their Purple Spirit Sect disciples in the audience. They were all in a sense and reason, and she wanted to help her sect disciples first.

For Zhan Xiaoyu, the first round of Fenghuoshanlin was not difficult, but relatively easy.

But from another perspective, although there are disciples of the same sect, they are also competitors.

And I don't know what Xiao Yu is in. Zhan Xiaoyu didn't act rashly, and wanted to see the situation first.

Seeing such a strange situation, the elders such as Tang Fan on the pavilion were surprised.

"How can this be? It seems that there hasn't been a siege in so many years, right?" The Fifth Elder exclaimed.

Tang Fan and the other elders frowned.

The first round of Fenghuoshanlin tested the strength of the soul power of these array masters, so it would not be difficult for the inner disciples of the Purple Spirit Sect to pass easily.

However, this kind of siege has not appeared for decades.

Tang Fan narrowed his eyes, and the elders all looked at Tang Fan.

"Elder Tang..."

Zhao Xin suddenly said, "In Xiao Yu's soul, there should be some kind of mutual generation or mutual restraint attribute formation, so this phenomenon of mutual restraint appears."

"I remember some records said that Elder Tang Fan had happened because of this situation." Zhao Wei looked at Tang Fan.

All the elders, as well as Qiu Dongyang, looked at Tang Fan. Tang Fan nodded and said, "Yes, this Xiao Yu is probably not an ordinary formation master."

Hearing Tang Fan's comment, the other elders were 100% sure that there was something in Xiao Yu that really resonated with the wood attribute formation!

Yes, although the elders didn't admit it in their hearts just now, they thought so.

And Zhao Xin, naturally, has insight into these.

"Let's keep watching." Tang Fan said, his eyes focused more on Xiao Yu.

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