Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1356: The Soul Joint (Part 1)

Except for a small light outlet from above, almost all of Xiao Yu's vision was black.

But as long as it is a cultivator who cultivates the soul, the perception of the soul is enough to exceed everything that the eye can see, and even worse.

Although it was pitch black, Xiao Yu had already felt that the four trees were shrinking!

Is this preparing to siege yourself?

If this were the case, Xiao Yu would lose the qualifications for this so-called formation exchange meeting.

Didn't pass the first round, is that too embarrassing?

Xiao Yu stretched out his hands and opened it up. As expected, the fence was already close to less than two meters wide.

Xiao Yu tried his best to calm down in his heart, he had no time to think about these reasons, he urged his soul power to his hands, and he was shocked.

Since it is a test of the power of the soul, they can only urge the power of the soul to resist for the time being.

After all, this is only the first round, and Xiao Yu is still a real master of formation!

"Boom! Boom!"

His hands burst out with extremely pure soul power, but the fence stopped moving.

"There are still ten minutes, as long as I survived, I will pass the first round." Xiao Yu thought in his heart.

The offensives of the four phantom formations of Fenghuoshan Forest all have a time, otherwise, if it is endless, the consumption of soul power will definitely become faster with the delay of time, so the first round is also meaningless.

But just when Xiao Yu thought this way, the change happened again. Several of the four big trees quietly entangled Xiao Yu from the fence.

"not good!"

Xiao Yu was taken aback.

He was surrounded in the middle, but he overlooked one point, these dryads still have roots!

In this way, in just a few seconds, Xiao Yu was completely trapped.

Go back to the magic array.

Although these disciples who participated in the assessment could not see what happened inside, they could feel it!

In the moment, the four tree monsters stopped closing like in the middle, but after stopping for a while, they continued to close again.

It was because they sensed that Xiao Yu inside was locked in his breath and was struggling hard.

Duan Zhihui sneered.

Before he came, he had already asked what he should pay attention to in the first round. It was originally just an ordinary attack from the so-called Fenghuoshan Forest Magic Array, but he didn't expect such a change.

However, as long as this change did not occur to him, he didn't care about it leisurely.

Especially after knowing that Xiao Yu was trapped inside, Duan Zhihui seemed even more proud.

The windshield themselves wanted to get rid of Xiao Yu's thorny eye, so naturally it was impossible to hope Xiao Yu would become stronger.

The four dryads were constantly approaching, and they were about to close together.

Xiao Yu felt as if he was being squeezed by things in four directions, and that uncomfortable feeling arose spontaneously.

He knew that if this continued, his soul incarnation would be destroyed, and he would quit the game by then.

"I didn't expect this formation to really take care of me!"

Xiao Yu laughed at himself a little bit in his heart, but then, his heart was stunned. Soldiers came to cover the water and earth, I don't believe it, I still have nothing to do with you!

With a cold cry in his heart, a strange scene appeared, Xiao Yu's pupils suddenly appeared a little dark green.

This dark green color suddenly shined brightly, and then a strange scene appeared. Xiao Yu's body was immediately illuminated with a faint green light, and a vitality aura emerged spontaneously.


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