Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1357: The Soul Joint (Part 2)

Xiao Yu was completely stunned.

Yes, this kind of anger is too familiar, isn't it just a living creature?

Strictly speaking, it is not a living creature wood formation, because it is impossible to activate any formations in this phantom formation.

This kind of breath originates from the vitality exuded by the living wood formation in the ocean of his soul.

What kind of aura a person's offensive power will show when he has cultivated what kind of exercises.

It’s like if it’s gruesome and fierce, such as Guimingmen, Wuchen, and those in the world of Black Cliff, the breath given to people can be quickly recognized, just because it is the breath of the practice, which is attached to the person. Up.

In the same way, any formation that Xiao Yu had cultivated existed in his soul.

Only this time, the Wood Array of Life and Soul actually had a sense of itself, and it was still active, not passive.

Xiao Yu was astonished in his heart, but his astonishment was not over yet, the branches trapped on him suddenly withered.

Angry become lifeless!

There was a sudden movement in Xiao Yu's heart, and then, all the vitality in the four big trees went into Xiao Yu's body, constantly replenishing the consumption of his soul power.

The wood formation of life and life is the transformation of the energy of life and death, but what I did not expect is that in this case, this formation actually works?

Even Xiao Yu was stunned.

"It shouldn't be! According to the truth, you can't use the formation in this magic array."

"No, this is not a formation, this is the union of my soul and this wood-attribute illusion..."

Xiao Yu thought of the feeling in his soul when this wood attribute formation just changed.

"Could it be that this kind of induction comes from the living creatures' wooden formations?" Xiao Yu was very surprised.

"If it is divided according to attributes, the living creature wood array is indeed a wood attribute..."

The living creature wood formation is a five-level formation in the Divine Soul Dao, Xiao Yu just realized and contacted it soon.

This transition between life and death is indeed terrifying, but I didn't expect it to be a great help to myself at this juncture.

In Xiao Yu's imagination, the whole body of the four tree monsters withered, and immediately turned into pieces of dead wood.

This scene, seen by everyone, was so sudden and incredible.

Duan Zhihui originally wanted to see Xiao Yu being trapped and killed by this fence, but now this scene is really beyond his expectation.

"Hehe, it's really interesting." Ji Yining glanced, a little surprised in his eyes, and smiled faintly.

And Fu Yuran had obviously noticed this scene, his eyes were still so cold and arrogant.

"Xiao Yu?"

Zhan Xiaoyu looked a little surprised, and immediately rushed towards Xiao Yu.

"How did you do it? Did you use the formation method?" Zhan Xiaoyu asked curiously.

Xiao Yu smiled slightly and said, "Actually, I don't know, it should be my soul realm. It's okay, they can't kill me."

This scene also fell into the eyes of everyone outside.

The most surprised is the people on the second floor of the pavilion.

The elders all looked at Tang Fan with unbelievable eyes, and seemed to be waiting for Tang Fan's answer.

Tang Fan stared at the figure in the light curtain and said, "You can't go wrong, Xiao Yu's soul should be a little different, perhaps because his soul has a formation that interacts with the wood attributes."

"If it is a mutual coexistence, the tree demon will not take the initiative to attack, and will even evade, but it is not the same as the phase restraint. Back then, I used a large golden light array to defeat the wood attribute phantom array at the last level, but I later avoided it. In a disaster, Xiao Yu should be in the same situation as me."

How did they know that Xiao Yu was neither born of mutual coexistence nor restraint, it was mutual reproductive or restrained.

When several elders heard this, they were astonished.

"If you say, it has nothing to do with soul talent?" the Fourth Elder asked.

Tang Fan nodded, his eyes calmed, and he said: "Some people have special souls, which contain the mark of a certain attribute, and then they can only practice this attribute for a lifetime, and other attributes can be cultivated. The power will be greatly reduced."

The three elders echoed: "This is indeed the case. Our four first-generation sect masters each have a fine ventilation volcanic forest. They have also learned from each other, but the effect is minimal. Over time, their souls will slowly Branded with their familiar formations."

After hearing the words and knowing that it had nothing to do with the soul realm, everyone stopped paying attention to Xiao Yu.

In any case, the first round is only a level of the strength of the soul, and it is only the beginning of the screening. Everything can be seen later.

But Zhao Xin, who didn't say a word, didn't know what was wrong, she always felt that Xiao Yu seemed to be a little different from other formation wizards.

"Maybe it's my illusion." Zhao Xin shook her head slightly in her heart.

Tang Fan and the others have made it very clear just now that this situation does not directly explain the problem.

The real test is the next "Wind Volcano Forest"!

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