Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1358: Add third round

Because Xiao Yu unexpectedly turned the four dryads into fragments, so that the other dryads never came in, as if they had sensed how their "companions" died, and he was right to Xiao Yu. Stay away.

Xiao Yu was also very happy, carrying his hands on his back and watching them fight against the tree monster not far away.

Those disciples who originally watched the good show were a little annoyed, but there is no way, who can make their soul power less than others?

Time passed quickly, and the first round was basically over, the entire illusion just disappeared, and everyone's thoughts returned to their bodies.

There were originally hundreds of contestants, but 30 people were left. In the first round alone, it was reduced to ten times!

It is conceivable that although this first round of assessment of the strength of the soul is not very difficult, it is also relative.

Only for the Great Master of Formation, it is easy, but if it is a Grand Master of Formation, only those who have reached the equivalent strength of the Golden Core Realm, will they appear to be relaxed, otherwise they will almost all be eliminated.

However, Xiao Yu also discovered that nine out of ten disciples who used secret techniques to enhance their soul power to make themselves look like a master of formation had all been eliminated.

Only those who are about to break through to the great master of formation, or who have a good background, stay on the field.

"Hey, it failed again. It seems that we will have to wait another year."

Some other sect disciples said with emotion.

Elder Shen said indifferently: "The failed disciples don’t get discouraged. Since you are the masters of the formation, you will be the masters of the formation for the rest of your life. If this is the case, the soul is the great path you have been pursuing. The future formation of the door world depends on you."

I have to say that Elder Shen's words of encouragement did indeed have an appetite for Xiao Yu, and even Xiao Yu had to start to have a good impression of the Purple Spirit Sect.

What kind of sects with ulterior motives like Clear Sky School, Windshield Sect, Xuanjian Pavilion, and Bai Yugu, I can't see that other sects are better than me, and even want to kill myself.

"Of course, the failed disciples, according to the past, you will still have a chance in the third round."

When these words came out, many people were surprised, and even the disciples of the main sect of the Purple Spirit Sect were curious.

One of the Purple Spirit Sect disciples asked strangely: "Elder Shen, the disciples who were eliminated in previous years have already been disqualified? How can this third round happen again?"

"Yes! In previous years, there was no third round. The second round was to directly choose the attributes you love. Did you change the rules this year?" a purple spirit sect disciple asked.

Even some of the disciples of other sects who had participated in the Sai were very surprised.

Often when they were eliminated in the first round last year, they can pack their bags and go home. The Purple Spirit Sect is so good that they even opened the third round to them?

The strangest thing is that they can't enter the second round. Isn't it very strange that they can participate in the third round?

At this level, even Xiao Yu was very surprised.

But I can see that Elder Shen said indifferently: "The specific rules, after the second round starts, at the right time, I will talk to you more specifically. All I can say for the time being is that the third round is an opportunity for you. "

With that said, the disciples who were eliminated are all about to move around.

They waited so long, didn't they just wait for this day?

If given the opportunity, they will definitely go all out.

"Well, stand by the side who failed in the first round."

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