Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1359: Four Secret Realms of Fenghuoshan Forest

On the entire bluestone floor, there were only thirty or forty people left. The surroundings were very empty, and Elder Shen stood in front.

"I look forward to it!" Zhan Xiaoyu blinked the little star.

Of course, she is more than looking forward to, because the second round is the core level of this formation exchange conference, even if you can touch a little bit, it is of great benefit to your own cultivation.

This is the reason why those who do not hesitate to use secret methods to forcibly enhance their soul power.

Although Xiao Yu didn't understand the second round or something, he had just heard what they said about Fenghuoshanlin.

And since it was the formation deployed by the four Xianzongs of the Purple Spirit Sect, it must have something to do with Fenghuoshanlin.

I saw that Elder Shen's Fayin was knotted, and it was suddenly pressed to the ground.

Strangely, what appeared in front of them was actually four translucent gates. The gates were gathered at a certain distance. At the same time, in the midair of the four gates, there were also four light curtains.

Xiao Yu looked up and saw that it was an image of a light screen on all sides. In the image, there were scenes like real scenes, except that the scenes on all sides were different.

The light curtain on the far left is on a grassland where the wind is whistling. The sky is blue, but the wind blows wantonly in the air, sometimes turning into a tornado, sometimes a sharp blade, and sometimes a storm.

The second light curtain was inside the huge volcano, and the terrifying flames swept up as if boiling, and the fiery red piece seemed to be immersed even though the light curtain was across.

The third side is all mountains, undulating, towering, and looking like a ridge on the side, with different heights.

On the fourth light curtain, the forest area appeared, full of quiet dark green color, which made people feel peaceful.

These four-sided light curtains have similar scenes to the four-level illusion in the first round just now, but the scenes displayed by these four-sided light curtains appear larger and more real.

"Appeared, this is the Fourth Secret Realm of Fenghuoshan Forest!" Zhan Xiaoyu was already eager to try, feeling uncontrollable.

"Four Secret Realms in Fenghuoshan Forest?"

Elder Shen glared at Zhan Xiaoyu, who smiled and stopped talking.

Elder Shen said proudly: "Yes, these four secret realms represent the four secret realms of Fenghuoshan Forest. The four secret realms are the places where the first generation master of the Purple Spirit Sect practiced, and each secret realm contains every one. All the formations of the attribute sovereign's life are on it."

"Elder Shen, what does this mean?" Ji Yining asked.

Elder Shen said: "The meaning is very simple. After the first generation sect master sits and transforms, their souls are transformed into the secret realm inside, together with the formation method that the first generation sect master cultivated, all are contained in it."

"As far as the wind attribute mystery is concerned, the storms, sharp blades, and small majesty you see are all transformed by the power of the soul. What is contained in it is the lifelong cultivation, wisdom, and of course the first generation sect masters Formation. As long as you can comprehend it, this formation is yours."

Most of them are a joy, even Duan Zhihui's eyes light up slightly.

Xiao Yu's heart moved, as if she understood a little.

"Is it the so-called artistic conception of one flower, one world, one leaf and one bodhi?" Xiao Yu asked.

Elder Shen glanced at Xiao Yu more. He naturally saw what happened to Xiao Yu just now. To be honest, although he didn't know who Xiao Yu was, he just saw the kind of talent. It's definitely not a mortal when it comes out.

Especially the sentence just now, such a clear and intelligent understanding, not everyone can say it in the first time.

"Yes, look at the secret realm of the mountain attribute. Even a stone is transformed by the power of the soul. As long as you have the ability, you can comprehend the profound meaning and the formation of the ancestors."

"But what I have to say is that the so-called one flower, one world is relative, because the formation is already fixed and will appear anywhere in it, and some of these places may be understood in a stone Level 5 or even level 6 formation, but it is also possible to comprehend the first level formation in the raging fire tornado, all of which depend on your good fortune."

Immediately afterwards, Elder Shen said with solemn meaning in his words, and calmly said: "Also, don't think that you can just sit and enlighten when you go in. As long as you go inside, big and small dangers will come, choose to deal with , It is equivalent to beginning the test. I must remind you that once you are powerless, you must crush the soul jade slip, otherwise it will be a matter of seconds to enter the soul."

At first, everyone was very excited when they heard the front, but when they heard the back, many people's faces changed greatly.

In other words, this time, my soul will be hurt! It will even be wiped out!

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