Shura God Emperor

Chapter 136: Shadow Kill

In the illusion, Zhao Tianjian's face was very angry, Wang Zhuo also stared at Xiao Yu, sipping cold light in his eyes.

"Xiao Yu!!!" Zhao Tianjian had already had an indescribable killing intent towards Xiao Yu.

It is not true that the one who stayed in the end was the victor. In fact, the formation master from the sect was to test Xiao Yu!

In this way, don't they become a foil?

Zhao Tianjian didn't blame Tang Fan, he hated Xiao Yu's sudden appearance.

Thinking of the prince of his dignified dynasty, his soul talent is different, he was originally one of the best array geniuses in the dynasty, and could even surpass Bai Jing.

Who would have thought that Xiao Yu would suddenly come out, a person who originally didn't think he had thought of it, or even disdain it, would have achieved such a level of formation in his cultivation.

How is he not angry? He absolutely couldn't let Xiao Yu grow up.

Here, the white bone skeleton moved towards Xiao Yu's position, and as soon as its footsteps fell, it slammed towards Xiao Yu.

The momentum suddenly rose, and a very dreadful killing intent came from the air.

Lan Xinrui's face changed slightly, this skeleton is amazing!

Of course she knew that Skeleton was targeting Xiao Yu, but she still couldn't help but worry about Xiao Yu.

To be honest, seeing Xiao Yu's extraordinary talent and such a high level of formation, she was not jealous at all. Instead, she felt amazing and somewhat admired.

She also wanted to see how Xiao Yu fought against this skeleton.

It was too late and it was fast, Xiao Yu certainly did not expect the speed of this skeleton to be so amazing.

"Do you want to test my true cultivation?" Xiao Yu sneered in his heart, without talking nonsense, just rushed up.

Fire Dragon Fist!

It slammed out with a punch again. This time, the fire dragon was directly transformed into a huge tens of meters, and Xiao Yu's soul power could not hide it and urged it out.

The long sword of the white bone skull directly broke Xiao Yu's formation.

"call out!"

The long sword fell out of thin air, like a big sword falling from the sky, Xiao Yu immediately moved a few meters to the side.


A ten-meter scratch was cut off the ground immediately.

"Sure enough, the first-level formation can no longer resist attacks of this degree, so..."

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and the seal was suddenly closed. At this moment, a strange scene appeared, and a kind of extremely terrifying spirit fox internal fluctuations diffused out, covering a radius of hundreds of meters.

"This is..." Lan Xinrui was a little shocked, Xiao Yu's soul cultivation was indeed much scarier than them.

This kind of soul power is like being in the ocean.

"Shadow Killing Array!"

Xiao Yu's eyes drenched, his seal suddenly solidified, and a strange scene appeared, and Xiao Yu's body was immediately separated by two black shadows, one on the left and one on the right.

"what is this……?"

The people on the sidelines are all puzzled. This is definitely a kind of formation. It's just that black shadow. What is the use?

Tang Fan narrowed his eyes, raised the corner of his mouth, and whispered to himself: "Is it finally coming?"

Back in the illusion, two shadows were suddenly surrounded by the bones and skeletons, and together with Xiao Yu's body, they formed a kind of horns.

Although the three figures looked very small, they were almost negligible in the face of a skeleton as large as 100 meters.

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