Shura God Emperor

Chapter 137: Three Shadows Siege

No one thought that Xiao Yu could deal with this skeleton.

At the same time, falling asleep, Xiao Yu raised his hand, and a long sword appeared. This long sword was rubbed out of the original seven-star ancient sword, and of course it was the power of the soul.

The other two shadows also showed two black long swords in their hands at the same time.


Xiao Yu shouted coldly, and the three figures flew directly towards the skeleton in the middle.

The white light suddenly lit up among the three figures, and was extremely conspicuous in fright under the gray weather.

"Second-level formation!" Lan Xinrui recognized, this kind of soul fluctuating aura is definitely a second-level formation.

They simply couldn't think that Xiao Yu could activate a second-level formation! You know, they can only activate a first-level formation!

The second-level formation is as powerful as the Qi Convergence Realm, and this is Xiao Yu's biggest barrier, and it is also a battle formation he has newly realized.


The three white lights staggered towards the bones and skeletons like intertwined white lights. The speed was as fast as the silver light burst.


A pair of legs of the bone skeleton was directly cut off, and the whole body collapsed, and the earth seemed to shake.

The three body shapes were intertwined and changed their positions, Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with an awe-inspiring chill, his heart moved, and the three body shapes intertwined and killed him.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

In this way, interweaving, staggering positions, wielding knives, hundreds of meters in the field, filled with an extremely terrifying sword intent and murderous intent.

It's just that this kind of killing intent acts on the depths of people's souls. They seem to be stabbed by a needle, and the three of them are completely shocked.

Zhao Tianjian was shocked, he could not imagine why Xiao Yu would attack with such a terrifying formation.

His face suddenly became savage, no! I will never let him go out safe and sound!

He also saw Wang Zhuo with an ugly face, and he slid over and said in a deep voice, "Wang Zhuo, keeping Xiao Yu is a scourge. As long as he is there, our light will be overshadowed by him, even in our hearts. The stagnation will also affect the progress of your cultivation at Wal-Mart."

"Sixth Prince, what do you want to say?" Wang Zhuo asked in a deep voice.

"You know what I say. Your royal family is also an affiliated family of the royal family. Although you are a member of the queen, I have no contact with the queen, but in any case, we are all in the same royal family. Xiao Yu's growth will definitely It is a threat to us and the royal family. Don’t forget what Xiao Yu did to your royal family! I don’t care if Xiao Yu abolished the eighth brother’s trash. All I care about is whether Xiao Yu can be safe or go out!" Zhao Tianjiansen Said coldly.

Wang Zhuo took a breath, his eyes also showed firmness.

"What do you want to do?"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

After five rounds of interlocking killings, the finally huge skeleton of one hundred meters was directly killed by Xiao Yu to form a pair of broken bones.

Lan Xinrui was stunned, and Xiao Yu's attack was really terrifying.

What famous teacher behind him is guiding him? And what else is hidden in him, that everyone doesn't know?

Lan Xinrui began to realize that she couldn't see Xiao Yu more and more.

After beheading and playing the skeleton, Xiao Yu was also relieved, but at the next moment, Xiao Yu's whole body was tense, and an extremely dangerous aura approached.

Immediately afterwards, he found that he could not move at all...

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