Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1367: The upper limit of the formation (below)

The two great formation masters retreated dejectedly, and the elders of the Purple Spirit Sect in the pavilion didn't seem surprised at all when they saw this situation.

"Those two should be the Profound Fire Sect, and the little guy from Shui Yunzong?" the Fifth Elder asked.

Qiu Dongyang said: "Yes, both of them are great masters of formations who are new to the spirit realm, but it seems that they have chosen the fifth intermediate level, which is comparable to the earth spirit realm."

Several elders were indifferent, and the three elders said indifferently, "With their soul cultivation base, they can choose at most a five-level formation for entry. They are lucky to be able to crush the soul jade in time. The so-called wealth. Seeking in danger is not just blindly pursuing something with high returns, but choosing something suitable and risky according to your own strength. Otherwise, this is not a risk at all, it is a death-seeking."

The three elders commented sharply, and were nodded in agreement by several elders.

Tang Fan also shook his head slightly, and said, "Yes, the world only knows that our Purple Spirit Sect's formations are powerful. As everyone knows, these powerful formations require not only strong talents, but also certain perseverance and opportunities."

"Elder Tang, what is the third round that Elder Shen just said?" Zhao Xin suddenly asked.

The elders glanced at each other, and Tang Fan smiled and asked, "Miss Zhao, why have you become interested in the battle method?"

Zhao Xin's face was calm, and said: "I'm just curious, why suddenly there is a third round."

The three elders have always been arrogant and have a strong pride in the Purple Spirit Sect, especially the disciples of their own sect.

He felt a little displeased in his heart that Zhao Xin was able to sit on an equal footing with them. At this moment, he said: "Miss Zhao, you will know later. This is also set up by us to increase the sense of crisis of the formation mage."

Zhao Xin was inconvenient to ask more, but after his doubts, several elders seemed to have another kind of jealousy about Zhao Xin, even Tang Fan.

Tang Fan was silent.

"Does she already know?"

Zhao Xin said at the beginning that this formation exchange meeting had the greatest benefit to their Purple Spirit Sect. Although several elders did not have much reaction at the time, they had already felt a grudge against Zhao Xin. Until now, Zhao Xin Asked again.

Several elders looked at Tang Fan intentionally or unintentionally, and the latter shook his head slightly to signal them to continue watching this formation convention.

Qiu Dongyang was observant of Qiuhao, but he was calm on the surface, and then he shouted: "Look, Junior Brother Fu, and Junior Sister Zhan are going to go on."

Back on the bluestone floor.

Along with the "failure" of the two great masters of the formation, Fenghuoshanlin was constantly making choices.

Except for those who specialize in cultivating certain attributes, under normal circumstances, Array Masters rarely have fixed specialization attributes. Therefore, when there are vacancies, basically someone will go up.

For them, it doesn't matter what the formation is. The most important thing is to be able to understand the formation.

"Huh? Isn't he the Grand Master of Formation? Look, there is a mask on his body!"

"Yes, so is the wind attribute over there!"

The crowd exclaimed. Combining with the two people on the light screen, the two people struggled against the formation. When they woke up, they sweated profusely and the mask was extremely dazzling.

"They succeeded!"

Of the more than 30 people, only two have chosen the appropriate formation based on their soul realm, and they have also realized the lower limit!

The disciples watching from a distance were all amazed.

Although they are not great masters of the formation technique, they are relatively talented if they can use the formation master, the fourth-level formation, and can also comprehend the essence of the lower limit.

And for the kind of comprehension that can really break through the lower limit of the formation, they can't even think about it.

The realm of Zilingzong's major disciple, as well as the realm reached by the second disciple, do they think they are qualified to be on a par with them?

If it did appear, it would definitely cause the Purple Spirit Sect to **** wildly.

"Congratulations." Elder Shen said with a smile.

The two disciples were very excited, but Xiao Yu suddenly glanced like this, as if he found something wrong with Elder Shen...

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