Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1368: Give a suggestion

Xiao Yu saw that although Elder Shen welcomed him with a smile, he didn't see any sincerity at all. Instead, he had a very indifferent smile.

Xiao Yu understood that even though the formation of his own sect, even though it was a fourth-level formation, being practiced by disciples of other sects, not many people would be happy.

It's like saying that you stole your own money. Do you want to welcome it with a smile?

But in Xiao Yu's view, Elder Shen's expression was more of a nonchalant expression.

Yes, just don't care.

It was as if even if the fifth-level formation was practiced by other sect disciples, he felt that there was no so-called expression.

Xiao Yu still maintained the feeling that he had just started, this elder Shen, this Purple Spirit Sect, it seemed that it was not a simple purpose to hold this whole sect formation exchange meeting.

At this time, in addition to three other people, including Xiao Yu, the four most eye-catching people also sat on the table one after another.

"Are they finally starting to comprehend?"

"I really look forward to it! Duan Zhihui is hailed as the number one in the inner sect of the seven sects. Needless to say, his realm strength is the peak of the human spirit realm and the soul realm has reached the great master of the spirit realm formation. "

"Yes! Ji Yining is also amazing. He is the son of the'Grave Western Region' domain lord, the great master of the spirit realm formation. He has become famous at the age of eighteen. I heard that the elders of the Purple Spirit Sect have been there several times. I asked him to join, but they were rejected."

"They both seem to have awakened their hearts and souls, right?"

"Huh! They are amazing, but Junior Brother Fu is also not bad. Who can comprehend the upper limit of the formation this time is not necessarily true!"

Those disciples who had been eliminated on the side were divided into two factions. One faction was naturally the disciple of the Purple Spirit Sect, and the other faction was of course the other sect.

The four people also entered the secret realm one after another, choosing their favorite formations.

Not surprisingly, because Duan Zhihui is a windshield door, and the overlord of the windshield door is a technique of resting wind attribute. Similarly, Duan Zhihui chose the secret realm of wind attribute.

Soul power and spiritual power are two different powers, but different powers also have attributes that belong to them, and to some extent, these attributes are of the same origin.

Ji Yining did not hesitate to choose the mountain attribute secret realm, and Fu Yuran chose the forest attribute secret realm. As for Zhan Xiaoyu, she originally hesitated, and then she smiled and asked Elder Shen: "Elder Shen, give Suggestions."

Elder Shen glared at Zhan Xiaoyu with no curiosity, and said, "Watch it for yourself, don't be aggressive!"

Zhan Xiaoyu's red tongue spit lightly, a bit naughty.

Obviously, of course Elder Shen wants his sect disciples to gain a good understanding of the formation and inheritance, but what he said just now obviously meant a three-point reminder.

After all, Zhan Xiaoyu's talent is even one rank higher than Fu Yuran!

And because Zhan Xiaoyu had a special space formation, their Purple Spirit Sect had long held this girl as a treasure.

Therefore, Elder Shen's blatant reminder made many sect disciples weird faces.

This is enough to see that although Zhan Xiaoyu is the second youngest true disciple of the Purple Spirit Sect, his status is even as high as Fu Yuran.

Even before the start of the exchange meeting, all the elders had already reminded Zhan Xiaoyu and Fu Yuran privately.

But who knows, what Zhan Xiaoyu said next made Elder Shen shocked and angry--

"Then three-point three-flame spear array!"

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