Shura God Emperor

Chapter 369: Zhan Xiaoyu's choice

"Don't..." Before Elder Shen finished speaking, Zhan Xiaoyu chuckled, sitting cross-legged, and his soul entered the secret realm.

The disciples of the Purple Spirit Sect who were watching were stunned.

"Sister Zhan is too daring..."

"The three-point and three-flame spear formation is the lowest and fifth-level formation! That is already comparable to the strength of the earth spirit realm! The upper limit has reached the sixth-level formation! This is the rare sixth-level formation in our sect. one!"

When these words came out, the disciples of the other sects who were eliminated in the first round were shocked.

They did not participate in the second round, naturally it is impossible to know which formations and levels in it.

But as Elder Shen said just now, the lowest level of the three-point three-flame spear formation is a five-level formation, which is enough to fight against the spiritual realm.

It's just that they didn't expect that the upper limit of this formation was actually a sixth-level formation!

A third-rate sect array mage muttered: "This Sun Ya really does not live or die, he is grateful to God."

Several elders were surprised at Zhan Xiaoyu's choice.

"Xiao Yu actually chose the three-point three-flame spear array, it's really nonsense!" The third elder was a little overwhelmed.

The fifth elder said helplessly: "This is the character of this girl! The more difficult it is to challenge, the more she likes it."

"But it's not like this! Xiao Yu is very talented, and she has a formation that contains the law of space. We can't let her take such risks."

Zhao Xin's heart moved, the law of space?

Of course she knew what these were, that was one of the most powerful law forces in the Nine Heavens World.

I didn't expect that the inconspicuous girl of the Purple Spirit Sect had such a terrifying talent.

But in this huge world, there are all kinds of weird things. There are too many things under all beings that many people cannot imagine.

Tang Fan said: "This is Xiao Yu's own choice. We should have confidence in her. Otherwise, the young eagle will always be the young eagle. No matter how we protect, it will eventually fly."

Several elders heard what Tang Fan said, although they were quite quiet, they still looked at the **** the light curtain very worried.

Qiu Dongyang nodded and said, "I also feel that Junior Sister was a little impulsive, but because of this, I was lucky to get the inheritance."

The fifth elder nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, Dongyang, you were the master of the formation at the beginning. You chose a fifth-level entry formation, but the upper limit of that formation reached the level of the fifth-level high-level, which is equivalent to the sky. The level of the spiritual realm. At that time, none of us looked good at you, because according to that level, the fourth-level formation is your best choice, because it will be relatively easy for you to gain the upper limit of the formation. I did not expect you to break through in the end. After reaching the lower limit of the formation technique, in the process of comprehension, he broke through to the great master of the spiritual realm formation in one fell swoop, and became a disciple of our Purple Spirit Sect. At that time, I remember that year, you were the only one who inherited it."

Qiu Dongyang nodded modestly, and the three elders frowned and said: "How is this the same? The original Dongyang soul talent was one level higher than Xiaoyu. Although the realm is the same, Dongyang chose the five-level entry formation. Xiao Yu, she chose a fifth-level intermediate formation! Unless she awakens her heart and soul, or is a great master of the formation, it is impossible to penetrate to the sixth level of the three-point three-flame spear formation, fourth, Tell yourself if you are."

The Fourth Elder smiled bitterly: "Three-point three-flame spear array, no one has broken the lower limit all the time, and I was almost a bit close back then."

"However, although Xiaoyu's talent is not as good as Dongyang, I think that with her use of the law of space and her unique insight into the sky volley, I think I can give it a try."

Zhan Xiaoyu was found by the third elder surprisingly, and when the third elder heard this, he could only frown and said, "It's really not possible, I will forcefully interfere."

The Fifth Elder said in surprise: "But in this way, the soul will be drained and consumed very much, not a year or a half..."

"Xiao Yu is my disciple, I can't let her get hurt!" The Third Elder said firmly.

Although Zhao Xin is an outsider, she is fully aware of their conversation.

What she didn't expect was that this quiet Qiu Dongyang, the second true disciple of the Purple Spirit Sect, was actually as powerful as the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

And she didn't expect that the girl named Zhan Xiaoyu actually understood space formations and made the third elders so nervous.

Of course, she did not respond to these favoritism.

After all, the formation exchange conference itself belongs to the Purple Spirit Sect. Which sect has no selfish intentions?

If there is really no selfishness, this sect might not be far from decline.

"Well, they just started. They shouldn't make a conclusion so quickly. Let's see their performance first." Tang Fan said.

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