Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1388: Insight (Part 1)

In this formation, because it was a soul incarnation, Xiao Yu could only use the formation.

And because the rank of this formation was at level five, Xiao Yu's use of other small formations was of no avail.


When Xiao Yu's thoughts moved, Fa Yin suddenly urged.

"Boom boom boom!"

The power of the soul transformed countless vines, suddenly condensing three giant vine spears, and smashed them towards the blue "Xiao Yu".

During this scene, Ou Qing's expression moved.

"What a strong breath of life, boy, I didn't expect you to have such a powerful formation!"

Although I knew Xiao Yu's formation with life attributes early in the morning, when he really came into contact with it, Ou Qing was very surprised.

"The identity of this kid is really not simple, this kind of formation is impossible to appear here!" Ou Qing was very surprised, and with a solemnity.

"But since you came to me, let me show you how good I am!"

As soon as the voice fell, three spears were seen shooting past like sharp arrows, forming three black shadows in this green world with extremely rapid speed.

The three cane spears themselves were assassinated with the force of horns, but at this moment, a strange scene appeared in front of Xiao Yu.

The green figure transformed into Xiao Yu's appearance suddenly swept in the direction of one of the spears at this moment.

His speed is very fast, one hand stretched out, and he grasped it accurately, and he was able to grasp the spear!

At this moment, Xiao Yu was really surprised.

The spear that his creatures turned into a wooden array was actually caught?

How is this possible?

But the next scene shocked Xiao Yu even more.

Because the three spears were killed at the same time, and one of them was caught by Ou Qing, but the other two spears had already locked Ou Qing's soul.

But then, Ou Qing grabbed the spear, swept across the army, and suddenly turned around, and the two spears were knocked out.


Xiao Yu's eyes flashed sharply.

"How could he..."

Xiao Yu couldn't imagine that his offensive seemed like a child's play in front of the opponent.

Catch a spear with bare hands? If it is not for the attack trajectory against one's own formation, and if there is a strong induction, how can it be done for this purpose?

Another thing is that when Ou Qing flew these spears, Xiao Yu felt for a moment that he had known each other.

He stared at the front, which looked exactly like himself, but was a turquoise clone that was transformed by the power of the soul.

Looking at this clone, Xiao Yu's thoughts seemed to be more and more affirmed.

From the beginning to understand this formation, until now, the only thing Xiao Yu knows is that the formation is a five-level high-level formation.

Second, what this formation has to fight against is the remnant soul of the mountain opener of the Purple Spirit Sect called Ou Qing.

Third, this soul clone must be killed before Xiao Yu can go out.

Except for these three, Xiao Yu has no idea how strong this soul clone is, nor does the soul clone actually transformed by Ou Qing can capture any movement of Xiao Yu in this formation !

But until just now, he seemed to sense something, and he seemed to affirm something.

However, Xiao Yu is not sure yet.

Xiao Yu's thoughts moved, and the life and death spear transformed by the living creatures' wooden formation disappeared because he was going to do something.

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