Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1389: Insight (Part 2)

"Wu Lingfei kills the sword!"

Xiao Yu shook his heart and shouted, and then the two-handed sage was activated one after another. Seeing the speed at which Xiao Yu spurred the sage and the solemn expression in his eyes, it was strange that Ou Qing just smiled. I didn't seem to worry at all.

Up to now, he felt the soul fluctuations spreading from Xiao Yu, and said indifferently: "Your fifth-level formation was also broken by me, now you have a fourth-level formation?"

Yes, Wu Lingfei's killing sword is a four-level formation, but Xiao Yu is not used to attack.

The power of countless souls turned into huge flying swords all over the sky, dazzling in this green world.

This formation was not in Divine Soul Dao, it was only realized in a moving sword formation at that time, so this was not a powerful four-level formation.

Therefore, from the perspective of Ou Qing, this formation is almost a kind of trifling matter.

"Is Xiao Yu going to make a bigger move?"

Back off the court.

Looking at the long swords flying in the secret realm, Zhan Xiaoyu was a little surprised.

All of them had naturally seen Ou Qing's hand just now, taking the spear with his bare hands, which absolutely shocked all of them.

Of course, their shock was not as great as Xiao Yu's, just because they knew that Ou Qing understood and controlled the entire formation.

The entire secret world is Qing Qing, so it quickly reacted.

But now I don't feel a little surprised to see Xiao Yu launching such a huge sword formation.

Elder Shen shook his head and said: "This is only a four-level formation."


Zhan Xiaoyu was full of expectation, but now his face is moved.

Everyone was puzzled, Duan Zhihui sneered: "The fifth-level formation has no power to fight back. You still dare to use the fourth-level formation? Did Xiao Yu kick the donkey?"

Even Tang Fan and the others are very puzzled.

"What on earth is he going to do? The realm and strength of the main soul of the district lord at this time are the same as those of Xiao Yu. No matter the fourth-level or fifth-level formation, they cannot escape the insight and control of the district lord." Qiu Dongyang shook his head. Said.

The subtext of his words is that everything Xiao Yu did was in vain.

Instead, it was Zhao Xin, who didn't seem to think so.

The so-called bystanders and fans of the government, including Zhao Xin, through Tang Fan and their dialogue, they know the extraordinary features of this formation, but the people inside do not know.

In other words, what they understand is different from what Xiao Yu understands. Therefore, although they are puzzled by Xiao Yu's behavior, they seem to be able to feel that there must be some reason for his actions.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

In an instant, countless sharp swords turned into mountains and plains of sword air covering the past.

Ou Qing stretched out his sword fingers, condensing a three-foot green peak, and the void was just passing through, and three sword qi directly rushed towards the sword net.

The sharp sword condensed by the terrible soul power is definitely not inferior to any magic weapon. Suddenly, the sword net formed by Xiao Yu's Wu Lingfei killing sword was cut through, and the turquoise figure was filed. And into.

"Sure enough."

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered with cold light, looking at the figure in front of him, and said: "My sword formation just now contains three omissions and flaws. Senior, you can see these accurately. If I guess right, any formation of mine, You can understand, right?"

"Yes." Ou Qing didn't hide anything, his expression was silent and arrogant, and said, "That's why I said that no one can break my wooden clone, and maybe you have sensed it, my clone, and you The body has exactly the same cultivation base. But because this formation is mine, I am the master here, so..."

"So I have no chance of winning."

When Xiao Yu asked this, his heart suddenly sank.

He finally understood what he had encountered, no wonder the other party was so determined, and he, unknowingly, stepped into such a pit!

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