Shura God Emperor

Chapter 140: Fantasy Array

"Hahaha! Xiao Yu, see how you practice formation this time!" Zhao Tianjian laughed.

"This ability is like hurting my soul?"

An indifferent voice came, and Zhao Tianjian's smile stopped abruptly. The voice came directly from behind Wang Zhuo.

Wang Zhuo's pupils shrank, and he felt a heartfelt chill. He was about to react, and suddenly a long sword pierced directly from his back to his chest.

Wang Zhuo's figure disappeared in an instant. In the field, Wang Zhuo's face turned pale, and then a big mouthful of blood was spit out.

"This... what's the matter?"

Everyone was stunned. What happened just now was really fast.

First, Xiao Yu suddenly appeared behind Wang Zhuo, and then destroyed Wang Zhuo's soul consciousness with a single sword.

How did he do that! ?

Wang Zhuo's eyes were hollow, his mouth was full of blood, and he muttered to himself incredibly: "How is it possible, how is it possible..."

Bai Jing's face also changed, connecting to other formation masters and formation apprentices, and she was amazed when she saw it.

Wang Zhuo was injured, and his soul was still injured. This means that even if Wang Zhuo's soul can recover, his cultivation and future achievements will definitely be greatly reduced. This is the result of his soul being severely injured.

"How did he do it..." Lan Xinrui was dumbfounded.

Although she didn't know how Xiao Yu did it, she could be sure that Xiao Yu's soul realm was already stronger than what they called the three geniuses.

The insiders don't know it, and those who watch the excitement don't even understand it.

Tang Fan nodded in satisfaction and said: "It turns out to be a fantasy."

As soon as his words came out, Bai Jing, and all the other formation mages looked moved, who could have imagined that Xiao Yu understood the fantasy formation at a young age!

The so-called illusion in the illusion, in simple terms, is to apply one's own formation in the illusion.

People with this kind of talent must have a certain degree of control over the structure of the original phantom array before they can release their soul power to condense their own phantom array.

Just like a boat in a lake, you can imagine how difficult it is to put on and build your own boat.

Even the so-called array wizards of the Array Mage Guild could not condense.

"Brother, in other words, this kid has thoroughly eaten your illusion?" Bai Jing took a deep breath and asked inconceivably.

Tang Fan's eyes flashed with amazing light, and said, "Yes."

At this moment, everyone had to show a look of horror.

How terrible is Xiao Yu's talent?

Even the formation of the master of formation from the sect has been seen through!

What an array genius this kid is! ?

Before he knew it, Tang Fan had already made a big decision, he would never let Xiao Yu stay in the dynasty!

This kind of formation genius is rare in a century!


In the fantasy world, Zhao Tianjian was stunned. How could this be possible? How did he do it?

Of course he couldn't hear Tang Fan's words outside, and he didn't know how Xiao Yu appeared behind Wang Zhuo so mysteriously, and then obliterated Wang Zhuo's soul consciousness.

Xiao Yu stared at Zhao Tianjian coldly, and said, "It's your turn."

"No! I absolutely don't believe it, the last place must be mine!" Zhao Tianjian roared, his hands were sealed again.


Xiao Yu was instantly enveloped in a black prison, just like Lan Xinrui.

"I want to obliterate your soul!" Zhao Tianjian shouted angrily, then turned into a long sword and flew over.

This long sword directly smashed in against the gap in the prison, and Xiao Yu was unable to retreat.

Xiao Yu finally understood, he snorted coldly, and suddenly his figure was as small as he was in the cage.


Zhao Tianjian's long sword flew into the air, and he fell into the cage. In the huge cage, where is Xiao Yu's figure?

"Look for me? I'm here."

Xiao Yu's figure appeared outside the cage again, Zhao Tianjian's eyes narrowed, he was completely stunned, Xiao Yu's soul realm was so much stronger than himself!

"It's impossible...I want..."

Zhao Tianjian was going crazy and was about to come out of the cage, but the next moment, he was shocked to find that this cage was no longer his own, and he was actually trapped in the cage.

"Can't get out, right? I'm sorry, your prison has been controlled by me, or to put it this way, this illusion has been controlled by me, now..."

Xiao Yu hadn't spoken yet, an astonishing killing intent flashed in his eyes.


"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

Zhao Tianjian discovered in horror that this black prison was turned into a terrifying soul killing intent, which directly transmitted his consciousness, and he didn't even have a chance to withdraw.


Zhao Tianjian's face was as pale as yellow paper, and a large mouthful of blood spewed out, his soul was also severely injured.

When the illusion disappeared, Xiao Yu also opened his eyes and stared at Zhao Tianjian, who was not far away from him, with two godless eyes.

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