Shura God Emperor

Chapter 141: Xiao Yu's choice

The whole venue became silent, and everyone stared at the figure of the young man dumbfounded.

What kind of evil is this guy! ?

Cultivation talent is already so powerful, don't even the formation technique live for others?

Is this really a formation apprentice?

What they didn't know was that after Xiao Yu's soul cultivation base, he could use the second-level formation at most.

It's just that he was cultivating Divine Soul Dao. The method of soul cultivation was unique, and it was far more powerful than the soul cultivation method of dynasties and others.

For Xiao Yu, the dynasty's method of soul cultivation simply could not be put on the table.

The disadvantages of uneven and even poor soul cultivation methods are that the formations depicted are not strong in combat effectiveness and full of errors and omissions.

Therefore, in the first two rounds, Xiao Yu was both helpless and surprised.

What's helpless is that the soul cultivation of these contestants, and the ability to describe the formation is too weak.

Surprised, he didn't expect it to be more unbearable than he expected.

Of course, if the formation mage of the dynasty couldn't put on a stage for Xiao Yu, then Tang Fan's fantasy formation would be much more powerful.

But when Xiao Yu entered the phantom formation, he quickly mastered the secrets and paths inside, so he quickly released the power of his soul, forming a kind of "phantom illusion formation, which is of course learned from the spirit of the soul. Coming.

Since it is a fantasy formation, as long as one urges a little soul power, it can be said that the people in the fantasy formation will basically not be his opponents, of course this is thrilling in the same realm.

The people who had originally ridiculed Xiao Yu were all silent, and Xiao Yu's talent was beyond doubt.

However, starting today, the capital may be another sensation.

Without exception, Xiao Yu won the first place and had the opportunity to go to the sect.

For this competition, Xiao Yu actually didn't want to participate at all, he was just forced.

"Xiao Yu..." Tang Fan was very excited, but before he finished his excitement, Xiao Yu's next words surprised him and the whole audience.

"I'm sorry, senior, I have no plans to go to the sect for the time being."


The whole audience was stunned, and the most shocked were naturally the group of Array Master Guild and the young Array Apprentices.

"Is this guy's head sick? The respected Master Formation Master took him to the sect to practice, but he refused?"

"My God, I'm crazy, Xiao Yu must be crazy."

Almost everyone beats their chests and feet, how could there be such a person!

Tang Fan was also very puzzled. He knew that Xiao Yu was talented and really wanted to cultivate, so he said, "I know that someone is behind you to guide you. I don't want to accept you as a disciple. I just use your talent, the sect. The world is where you belong best. Here, it will only limit you."

Zongmen World!

As soon as they heard this word, everyone held their breath, and even their heartbeat accelerated.

The sect world is a super large group of forces, which is naturally not comparable to the dynasty.

It is said that in the world of sects, in addition to the huge sect forces, there are also large and small sects.

The world of the sect is of course independent of the dynasty. For the sect, the dynasty is too weak to be able to enter the sect to practice, especially the big sect. Of course, it is a leaping dragon.

Xiao Yu had also heard of the group of Zongmen World, but that was too far away for him.

Array Mage is just his deputy profession, and his focus is still on cultivation. This is the only reason for him to step into the strong group.

Xiao Yu said: "I am very grateful to the predecessors for their favor. I don't want to go to the sect, but feel that it is not the time yet. And the most important thing is that the formation is just my sub-professional. Development, if there is a chance someday, I will definitely go to the sect to communicate with seniors."

Xiao Yu's words were powerful and confident, and Tang Fan couldn't help but feel moved.

Of course, when Xiao Yu's words were heard by outsiders, they were basically regarded as arrogant.

"Hmph, I didn't even go to the sect, just after I started to speak big words, I went to communicate with the master of the formation magic, are you not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue?"

"That is, if you cultivate yourself, no matter how talented you are, it is impossible for others to guide you so quickly, right? Really a guy who doesn't know the blessing in the blessing."

Almost all the young formation apprentices cast a look of hatred towards Xiao Yu.

They didn't even have a chance, but Xiao Yu turned it down. Was this deliberately not letting people live?

Tang Fan took a deep look at Xiao Yu and said, "Xiao Yu, I respect your choice. Your talent is good, but you are not the only one. The opportunity is yours. Since you have chosen, then I will not persuade you. , I hope we can meet again."

In this way, Xiao Yu left the Array Mage Guild and returned to the Xiao family, and the competition of the Array Mage Guild ended successfully. Xiao Yu's reputation once again swept across the capital...

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