Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1412: People don’t want to kill themselves

Hearing this familiar voice, Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with surprise in an instant.

Yes, this voice is not Zhan Xiaoyu, who would it be?

Zhan Xiaoyu seemed to have a lot of hesitation, bit her red lips, but still stood up.

Many people on the scene knew that Zhan Xiaoyu was close to Xiao Yu before the start of the game, and they were talking and laughing.

And some disciples of the Six Sects have also seen Zhan Xiaoyu and Xiao Yu know each other on the Pagoda.

"Hehe, it's really interesting. Zhan Xiaoyu is also on it. Sure enough, is a person's greatest friend interest?"

"Xiao Yu asked everyone to betray their relatives, and even his friends would kill him."

To be honest, Elder Shen was relieved to see Zhan Xiaoyu stand up, and Tang Fan and the others were also a little bit happy.

Zhan Xiaoyu's ability to spur a formation with the power of the law of space is extremely extraordinary.

In addition to her fifteen-year-old age, she is a bit older than Fu Yuran. Both of them are super geniuses with great potential!

They were really afraid that Zhan Xiaoyu would not play because he met Xiao Yu. Of course, they couldn't blame Zhan Xiaoyu for anything, but in this way, Xiao Yu's chances of successfully passing the level were very high.

If there is Zhan Xiaoyu, the effect will be different.

The three figures sat cross-legged behind Xiao Yu, and their souls quickly entered inside.

As soon as Zhan Xiaoyu came in, he called out, "Xiao Yu..."

At the same time, Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with disappointment, and of course he disappeared quickly, turning into a kind of indifference.

"We are in different positions, so our positions are naturally different."

Xiao Yu spoke lightly.

Yes, he was disappointed. He never thought that Zhan Xiaoyu would actually come in.

But soon he was relieved.

In this fist-first world, how many people can there be so-called true friends?

The road of cultivation was all alone, walking alone, Xiao Yu was already used to fighting alone.


Duan Zhihui sneered and said: "Xiao Yu, don't take yourself so important. Everyone in this world is selfish. For the benefit, even relatives and friends can betray, not to mention that we are not in a different sect. This is destined. "

Xiao Yu looked at Duan Zhihui, with killing intent in his eyes rising, and said with interest, "Really? I don't know if you are destined to die here today, or I am destined to go out safe and sound?"

This immediately angered Duan Zhihui. He smiled sullenly, and said: "Since you are so confident, so good, let me see how you, a great master of formation, can jointly defeat our three great masters of formation!"

"Fu Yuran, Zhan Xiaoyu, if you want to save the face for your sect, today, do your best to defeat him with me!"

His so-called defeating Xiao Yu with all his strength is naturally the killer Xiao Yu with all his strength.

"Moon Wind!"

As soon as the voice fell, Duan Zhihui's body was suddenly swept out by a violent wind, and between the flashes of light, his hand was squeezed, and a semi-transparent half-moon was held in his hand, and he threw it out fiercely like a sharp blade. It's the same as tearing this secret realm.

The half-moon blade was rising in the air against the storm, and the wind suddenly rose, turning into a crescent as large as a hundred meters and slashed out horizontally.

Fu Yuran's face was stunned, and he knotted up without hesitation.

"Soil marsh!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Fu Yuran really deserves to be a great master of genius formation. Once his formation was used, the land on which Xiao Yu was standing suddenly sank like a quicksand swamp, and half of Xiao Yu's body immediately fell into the quicksand swamp, immovable. dread.

Although the two have never cooperated, because they both have hearts and souls, they interact and cooperate with each other, which is just right.

When it is said that it is too late and then it is fast, Duan Zhihui's half-moon sharp blade is also suddenly...

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