Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1413: "Communication" of the soul!

Xiao Yu was so restrained, his consciousness was all on his body, and Ou Qing, who had been restrained by vines in the distance, was temporarily relieved.

As long as Xiao Yu is killed, then as long as the trace of the remnant of Ou Qing's soul has not been scattered, relying on the huge life force of the forest attribute secret realm, his remnant soul can still be restored as long as it is stored for a few years.

He prayed that Xiao Yu would be killed soon!

Everyone on the field saw that the two great masters of the formation trapped Xiao Yu as soon as they attacked. They applauded this kind of tacit cooperation.

"The marsh of Yuran, even the spiritual realm can be bound for a few seconds, and the strong can fight against each other, let alone a few seconds, even a second is enough to kill." said the fifth elder.

Now, Xiao Yu's soul life is nothing to them.

Xiao Yu participated in this formation exchange meeting voluntarily. The third round of rules was agreed early in the morning. The senior elders of their Purple Spirit Sect did not kill Xiao Yu. Everything was an assessment battle between disciples.

This is the real formation exchange meeting!

"Communication" between souls, contest between souls!

Even if Xiaoyaomen talk about this at that time, their Purple Spirit Sect will be confident.

"Although Duan Zhihui is not a disciple of our sect, but his wind attribute formation has the insight and bonus of the wind shield door wind attribute cultivation atmosphere, Xiao Yu wants to resolve this time, I am afraid it is not that simple." The fourth elder also said. .

However, Zhao Xin didn't see it that way. What she saw was that she was always in a state of danger, still calm and calm.

Zhan Xiaoyu Huarong who was in the formation was a little unbearable.

But Zi Lingzong is her sect, and this is her home.

Compared with my own cultivation, everything else seemed too trivial.

But of course she didn't want to kill Xiao Yu. She guessed that an attack of this level would only hurt Xiao Yu's soul at best.

As long as Xiao Yu's soul is injured, she can come forward and stop Duan Zhihui's attack at that time, this is enough.

Their purpose was just to get Xiao Yu out of the control of this formation, and at that time he would lose the power of his soul, and at the same time the formation he felt would be absorbed by them.

Just as she imagined this, Xiao Yu suddenly smiled: "You seem to have forgotten a little."

Duan Zhihui frowned, and everyone in the room looked at Xiao Yu.

Because the sound inside the formation can be heard outside.

"This formation is under my control. I am everything here! If you want to kill me, then I will kill you first!"

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and murderous intent burst out. At this moment, the entire floating swamp of soil suddenly stopped moving. Then Xiao Yu stepped out, and the whole person broke free from Fu Yuran's restraint formation. .

"What!?" Fu Yuran's pupils shrank.

But at the same time, Xiao Yu had to face the Half Moon Wind Blade that was about to be culled.

"Xuankong formation!"

Xiao Yu gave a cold cry in his heart, and then, the Half Moon Wind Blade immediately seemed to sink into some ocean, and then disappeared.

The whole audience suddenly exclaimed, and the pupils of Ou Qing in the distance shrank and trembled.

"That's... that's... the space formation?"

Although that is not a real space formation, it is a real formation containing the power of space!

Seeing this scene, Tang Fan and others' faces changed drastically.

"How is it possible!? Is this Xiao Yu's empty formation technique? Did Xiao Yu teach it to Xiao Yu?"

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